
Tuesday 29 December 2009

Life Work The Universe...... Big Damn Cough

Perhaps optimistically, I created a hobby project plan last week to maximise my time off over the Christmas and New Year holidays.

Naturally, it's all gone to pickled rat' as I've picked up an 狒狒的屁眼 狒狒的屁眼 of a "donkey cough" plus associated headcold and streaming eyes. So I've been laid low since Boxing Day.

It has provided me the opportunity to STOP. Which I don't do often enough. Not necessarily a bad thing. Annoyingly though, I'm finding it hard to concentrate. Consequently, holiday reading, blogging and figure painting have all gone by the wayside in favour of watching Firefly and rediscovering the Big Damn 'Verse again. Not watching it in any order - started with Disc 4 - and instantly recaptivated by Morena Baccarin (Inara).

I did manage to read a book given to me at Christmas by someone who knows me too well - The Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks. Started off by dipping but found it very easy to read and superbly entertaining. It is a bona fide survival guide and not just for a Zombie outbreak, it's lessons are true for any post apocalyptic survival situation. If you are into Zombie or post apocalyptic gaming I cannot recommend the book enough - it's informative and fun, in a macabre sort of way, but also simply dripping with background and scenario ideas. Thoroughly recommended.

Timely reading given the BBC's new reimagining of John Wyndham's classic Day of The Triffids. I just think of the Triffids as Zombie plantoids! And these new Triffids are MEAN daddies - look to QRF for some really nice 'stinging' plants SF10 Tripeditum Linguatum.

David, father-in-law, dropped off a book for me to read whilst still in my pit. I've started reading and am hooked - The Junior Officers Reading Club by Patrick Hennessey. Basically, Generation Y goes to Sandhurst and leads troops in Afghanistan. It's brutal, it's honest, very honest.

There's something about Afghanistan when I read books like this, that remind me of classic Traveller: Mercenary. You know, Police Action: Survival 4+. But more than that, however I don't wish to demean the men out there and those who have come back via Wootton Bassett. My thoughts are with them and their families.



  1. So Mark what do the new triffids look like? They are not showing it in the states.

  2. Bet they look like the lung butter he's hacking out :)

  3. Very Firefly !!!! Man Flu can never be overrated. Potentially fatal

  4. New Triffids? Look like a mix between one of those cactus that has long spindly 'sword' type leaves or a militant Aspidistra and an octopus. In the centre is a stalk with flower & stinger.

    Quite menacing.

