
Sunday 10 January 2010

Ambush Alley: "The Wastelands" Scenario Pack

At the beginning of last week, Shaun at Ambush Alley Games was kind enough to send me a gratis copy of "The Wasteland" Scenario Pack which comes with this year's annual S.O.G. membership.

I was both impressed and inspired enough to subscribe the very next day to this year's S.O.G. (Special Operators Group) membership. So what are the benefits of joining S.O.G.?
  • One free campaign pack per year – "The Wasteland" for 2010 - $15 in itself! (These special packs are only available to subscribers).
  • A 15% discount on all Ambush Alley Games products!
  • The opportunity to receive new releases two weeks before they are publicly released!
  • Discounts or other special offers from miniatures manufacturers who support Ambush Alley, including Rebel Minis, QRF, and Liberation Minis!
  • This year also includes “Under the Black Flag”, a three scenario campaign focused on a covert and highly critical action against Somalian pirates. It also contains alternative rules for clearing buildings as well as rules for close assault weapons (SMGs, shotguns, etc.) and handguns.
"The Wasteland" contains three linked post-apocalyptic scenarios, one each for Ambush Alley, Force on Force, and Ambush Z.
  • In the Rat's Alley
  • Agony in Stony Places
  • Fear in a Handful of Dust
Each scenario follows the tried and tested Ambush Alley formula. Scenario background, table setup, forces, mission, victory conditions and special rules. Short, sharp, effective!

There are also several pages of sample 'organisations' for various post apocalyptic warrior types.

If you don't own any of the Ambush Alley rules, don't worry! The scenarios are easily convertible but best of all in this instance, a lot of thought has been put into building a post apocalyptic world. I really enjoyed just reading "The Wasteland", let alone envisioning the games that will be inspired by it.

So if the Apocalypse seems a bit more in your face in 2010, blame Shaun and the gang at Ambush Alley!



  1. I am planning on upping my SOG membership and when I do I will be looking forward to my Wasteland package!

  2. I've renewed my subsciption. An excellent set of rules, a friendly forum and excellent customer service from Sean an Peggy.

  3. The positive response from SOG members to The Wasteland has been so overwhelming that a full-sized Wasteland expansion has been put on our "To Do List" for this year!

  4. Excellent Shaun!

