
Thursday 29 September 2011

Fighting 15s releases Oddzial Osmy 15mm Sci-Fi

A few months ago, Oddzial Osmy previewed some new 15mm Sci-Fi on TMP (link to original thread).  That line is now available from Fighting 15s.

The initial offering has three categories: Vistula Legion (mid-tech near-future human infantry), Non-Combatants (currently featuring a human civilian reporter crew), and Spaceworms.  The only pic available so far of the Spaceworms is in the original preview thread above.  I'll uploaded painted pictures of them shortly after they arrive - I couldn't wait to place my own order!  In the meantime, here are the infantry and reporters:

Vistula Legion Troopers

Reporter Crew
The Vistula Legion gives us another good mid tech-level Traveller style force, or it can be useful for those of you gaming the next 100-200 years of Earth's timeline.  I think the reporters are useful in many scenarios - I plan to add some to my ongoing "characters and civilians" project.  And the Spaceworms give us a great option besides "humans in rubber suits."  We look forward to seeing this line grow.



  1. Ordered mine Tuesday from Fighting 15's and they turned up today. Almost GZG-like speed! And very nice they are too. Good clean sculpts, amazing detail and looks like very little clean up required, just the removal of a few bits of sprue.

    They do look a bit small to me, but that could be because I don't have anything handy to compare them against and because most of my other stuff is older GZG and not quite as proportionally accurate as these OO sculpts.

    Unfortunately, they now have to go back in the box and then into the back of a drawer until Christmas.

    "Cruel and unusual" hardly begins to describe it... ;)

  2. Just another note - I was under the impression that Picoarmor are just the Stateside distributors for Oddzial Osmy, in similar fashion to Fighting 15's in the UK. Is that not the case?

  3. Oops - you are correct! I also think Picoarmor mentioned that they ordered some for distribution, if any North American customers don't want to deal with overseas shipping.

  4. Weird... I don't know why but those top guys say "modern British" to me. Maybe it's the helmets or something. Nice near-future troops without a "spacey" look.

  5. A preview pic of the spaceworms can be found in this old TMP thread.

  6. Thank you, Anonymous. For some reason I couldn't get that spaceworm pic to load earlier.

  7. Those Vistula legion troopers are hot! I just love that look. Very reminiscent of old-Traveller artwork.

  8. Ohhh, lot's of variants as well, NCO's, heavy weapons, etc. But here's a pet peeve "Pack contains 6 assorted figures from 8 possible poses. Variants are provided at random." I really want to know what I'm getting in terms of poses.

  9. Definitely will be picking up the media crew for 5150 NB. Very nice considering that the PP media crew was probably the only other offering in this scale.

  10. I managed a quick comparison against some old GZG Colonial Militia this morning and took some quick (and probably inaccurate) measurements with a tape measure. Both are about 15mm to eye level, but the more correctly proportioned NVL seem to top out at around 16 - 17mm to the top of the head. The Militia are more like 17 - 18mm, depending on pose. This is more apparent than it might sound because of the exaggerated (i.e. bulky) appearance of that generation of GZG sculpts.

    I don't have any of the newer stuff to hand so I can't say how they would stack up against UNSC, NI or new NAC. It would be interesting to see them next to CMG Arc Fleet Light Recon or Khurasan Federal Army for comparison.

    In the rather unlikely event that anyone else is confused by the female reporter's right arm in the photo above (no? just me then...), she's actually holding an SLR camera with a huge zoom lens pointed skyward. The strap can be made out hanging down around her elbow and forearm. This is immediately apparent from virtually any other angle and looks a lot better in real life.

  11. @ daibaka - I've been wondering that, I thought it was some sort of portable 'space' vacuum cleaner (or sound mike)!

  12. I love these figures. They really have a great look to 'em. The news crew is pretty darned swell, too!

  13. Quick question: How big are the bases they come on? Silly question perhaps, but I am wondering if they will fit on the pre-textured Flames of War bases. Thanks in advance!
