
Tuesday 27 September 2011

RAFM's Imp APC Gets a Firepower Upgrade!

RAFM have announced that their Imp 15mm Sci Fi APC has got some additional firepower. The Imp will now come with two different weapons options a dual mount missile launcher (left) and a twin cannon auto gun (right) allowing the vehicle to be outfitted for different roles on the tabletop battlefield.


  1. I like that alot i will have to start saving the pennies not so much for the mossel but more for the shipping i expect, with a couple of earth magnets fitted and you could indeed pick and choose the vehicles loadout for its next mission. This AFV has a very strong urban feel to it so much so i would be very tempted to add it to my small contingent of Khurasan miniatures Combat Battalion troops.

  2. Nice looking vehicle - does anyone know how big it is?

  3. I'd like to second this - I'd love to see a comparison of the Imp to other 15mm vehicles and figures that are out there.

    It reminds me a lot of a near-future update of the RG35 6x6 and I think if it scales well it'll make a great ride for my newly ordered OO NVL!

  4. Sweet! Now if they'd only bring this stuff to conventions. Glad to see them making new stuff after a long time.

  5. I don't have one but I think one of the Dropship crew members does - I'll see if he can take a pic or two.

  6. @ James
    They do bring it to conventions. They had it at Origins and Gencon and the ones they attend in Canada
