
Monday 10 October 2011

Copplestone Castings Releases More 15mm Fantasy!

Copplestone Castings have released more 15mm Fantasy! Whilst most of the figures have a strong Conan The Barbarian feel, many of them, particularly some of the characters and the snow trolls (pictured above) might work well in in a pulp sci fi / Space 1889 setting.

We really hope these sell well so that Mark Copplestone can be encouraged to do some more 15mm, particularly 15mm in the style of his Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and Future Wars!


  1. I would have preferred more man-sized figures (fantasy elves or orcs or something) but I love the barbarians (still unpainted due to backlog) and will be picking these up to do my bit encouraging the line. Copplestone's 15mm work is nothing short of incredible.

  2. There have been more barbarians released along with the trolls. Right now there are two packs of characters, one pack of mixed axes and swords, a pack of axes, and a pack of swords.

    I am hoping for more packs as well. I'd like to see cavalry, perhaps some barbarian troops and characters wearing light fantasy armor and fantasy barbarian helmets. I also wouldn't mind seeing some archers and spearmen along with a war mammoth.

    I know, that's a lot to wish for, but considering this all started with a single pack done on a lark, it's not crazy thinking.


  3. Not a fantasy gamer myself so I'm thinking about the Sci Fi potential of the range and hoping that Mark Copplestone can be persuaded to sculpt some 15mm sci fi... I'll probably buy one of the character packs, see how the figures paint up and possibly do some minor conversions to make the figures more Sci Fi...

  4. No more 15mm sci-fi, please! There is enough available. We 15mm fantasy folk have been denied great figs like this. Looking forward to his fantasy Romans as well.

  5. I'd love seeing Copplestone do figures in the 15mm range with some of his other lines. Some high adventure-types and whatnot would be great!

    These are excellent, though I am more interested in humans other than barbarians. I agree on some orc and elf-types as well.

  6. It doesn't looks like he has plans to move into 15mm scifi. He has commented that he want to expand on his 28mm scifi ranges though.

    Personally, I think we have already seen our fair share of support and it's still going strong. 15mm Fantasy really hasn't had a lot of love, less than 15mm science fiction to be honest.

    I did email back and forth with Mark a little bit and it appears that his plans for 15mm fantasy are pretty big. More barbarians, war beasts, new tribes, even fantasy Romans.

