Snow Monsters, Killer Xmas Trees and Evil Snowmen at
South Pole, American Hegemony Station, Deep Winter 2082......
“We have had no contact from Alpha Response Teams in twenty four hours its our job to go in and make sure AH Base is functional and to find out what has happened. Malmute Executive Response ain't paying us by the hour so lets get this done. Once the chopper is on the snow get out and secure the immediate area. There is little chance of any welcoming committee so keep your safeties on. Don't want to hole a civvie now do you. After all it ain't like they got claws!”

Its the start of a month plus of festive season fun for and as the little story above tells you its going to be a little mad too just like last two years. Our
Deals and Offers page once more plays host to a seasonal range of miniatures in 15mm scale that will be around during this next short period of the year only. We begin today and we end in 11th January 2016 when the SN range is put away until next time. You have a month or so to get these miniatures until next winter. We have already put up all our releases for the month including these but we will be giving you a
USEME Scenario nearer the big day and an article on Sam Croes collection of customised SFA Troopers that feature in the scenario. So if you like the spirit of Christmas and of Wargaming and you have fun in your heart read on!

Two years ago we introduced our seasonal range of festive miniatures with their first code SN01 Evil Snowmen and they went down a treat and we promised that we would expand the range by another code every time the cold came back. So we did. Last time we brought in the SN02 Killer Xmas Trees and they were pretty mad. This time we have expanded again with two hulking brutes! The brand new code SN03 Abominable Snow Monsters which come with a separate sprue of little hats you can put on or leave off. We also have a collection code giving you one of everything and saving 10%. Ruddy Good Fun! Throw some Snow Balls! Go
HERE or read on.
SN2015 Seasonal Fun Sampler Pack – Save 10% 10.30GBP
This collection code gives you one of every pose in the 2015 SN Festive 15mm Range. The pack contains five SN01 Evil Snowmen in five poses, three SN02 Killer Xmas Trees in three poses and two SN03 Abominable Snow Monsters in two different poses plus a sprue of Christmas hats. Unique and fun with a lot of uses from a festive themed army to a post apocalypse campaign, arctic warfare or even science fiction and more you can get into this range here. Supplied Unpainted and without Bases. This collected code saves you 10% off single purchases. Go
SN01 Evil Snowmen - 5 Magic Creatures 2.50GBP
This code contains five different 15mm scale white metal miniatures. Our not so friendly snowmen suitable for any festive themed scenario or army. Each of them stands about 10mm tall and poses are hat with hatchet, top hat and candy cane, wool hat and rifle, saucepan and scarf, severed head and knife. Supplied Unpainted and without Bases.
SN01VB Evil Snowmen Horde - 20 Magic Creatures 9.00GBP
This code contains twenty 15mm scale white metal miniatures taken from five different poses. Our not so friendly snowmen suitable for any festive themed scenario or army. Each of them stands about 10mm tall and poses are hat with hatchet, top hat and candy cane, wool hat and rifle, saucepan and scarf, severed head and knife. Supplied Unpainted and without Bases. This bumper value pack saves you 10% off list price! Go
SN02 Killer Xmas Trees - 5 Magic Creatures 5.00GBP
This code contains five 15mm scale white metal miniatures in three poses. From one side these approx 22mm tall trees are nice and friendly with sparkly baubles and paper bands adorning them but turn them around and horror they are all teeth and doom! Unique and fun with a lot of uses from a festive themed army to a post apocalypse campaign and more these monsters will get your opponent's attention for sure. They go great with our Evil Snowmen. Supplied Unpainted and without Bases.
SN02VB Killer Xmas Tree Forest - 10 Magic Creatures 9.00GBP
This code contains ten 15mm scale white metal miniatures in three poses. From one side these approx 22mm tall trees are nice and friendly with sparkly baubles and paper bands adorning them but turn them around and horror they are all teeth and doom! They go great with our Evil Snowmen. Supplied Unpainted and without Bases. This bumper value pack saves you 10% off list price! Go
SN03 Abominable Snow Monsters – 2 Magic Creatures 6.00GBP
This code contains two 15mm scale white metal miniatures in two poses. These are both one piece and come with a separate sprue of two Christmas Hatswhich may be mounted on the miniatures or left off. Abominable Snow Monsters approx 35mm tall these creatures are covered in fur and have sharp claws and even sharper teeth. Unique and fun with a lot of uses from a festive themed army to a post apocalypse campaign, arctic warfare or even science fiction and more these beasts will add some scare to your games. They go great with our Evil Snowmen and Killer Xmas Trees. Supplied Unpainted and without Bases.
SN03 Abominable Snow Monster Gathering – 6 Magic Creatures 16.20GBP
This code contains six 15mm scale white metal miniatures in two poses. These are all one piece and come with three separate sprues of two Christmas Hats each which may be mounted on the miniatures or left off. Abominable Snow Monsters approx 35mm tall these creatures are covered in fur and have sharp claws and even sharper teeth. Unique and fun with a lot of uses from a festive themed army to a post apocalypse campaign, arctic warfare or even science fiction and more these beasts will add some scare to your games. They go great with our Evil Snowmen and Killer Xmas Trees. Supplied Unpainted and without Bases. This bumper value pack saves you 10% off list price! Go

Few companies I think put as much effort into customer service as
Alternative Armies does (our sister to and
The Ion Age) and while the other two brands do their own fun things here at we have the festive range. I hope you enjoy it and we will return with an article and scenario to follow up on Branch Face later this month. All of our releases for this month are already on our website, the last for 2015.
Merry Festive Time!
Thanks for Reading.