Help David McBride of Splintered Light Miniatures
David has reached out to the gaming community to ask for our help in fulfilling his family's dream of adopting a son. So far the response from the gaming community has been very positive and he reached out to use here at Dropship Horizon to help spread the word.
So, to explain what is up, here are David's own words...
As you may know, Lucy and I began the process of adopting a little boy from China almost a year ago. We have approval to adopt and are months away from being able to go get our boy. We are naming him Caleb Robson McBride, and he is 2 years old.
The cost of this adoption is roughly 35k, including the cost of traveling over to China to get him. We have several plans to raise money, including a garage sale, a t-shirt sale, and a special pack of miniatures from my side business, Splintered Light Miniatures.
One of the exciting things we have seen in this process is how the whole community of our family and friends has been involved in helping us. I would like to ask you to consider contributing to our adoption in two main ways.
1. BUY a T-SHIRT! I've attached the design for our t-shirt fundraiser. Each shirt is $20. Sizes are youth xs-xl and adult s-xl, (2xl and 3xl are two dollars extra) Cash and check or EASIEST....go to and choose send $ to friends and family and send to Lucy’s email Indicate which sizes you want in the comment section. We are closing out this on June 1st, so just a few more days left! Photo attached!

2. Buy a pack of special unpainted miniatures for $25 or get a set painted and on a wooden base for $50. These figures were done by 3 of my sculptors—2 of whom donated their time and expertise to get them done. The link to get these figures painted or unpainted is

After we have paid for the adoption, $22 of every set sold will go to House of Grace, the foster home in China that has taken such great care of our boy thus far and is a home to 15 precious children at a time. They live by faith for resources to come and do a great job with what they are given. It is our hope and prayer that we will be able to support them and their work long after Caleb is home with us.
Included in the pack is a Chinese Dragon, 2 Panda Bears, a Panda Kung Fu Master, a Chinese Princess, 2 Fu Dogs, a Hu Hsien (Fox Spirit), all sculpted by Faron Betchley; as well as a Chinese Warrior, sculpted by Rodrick Campbell; and a Kirin, sculpted by Sandra Garrity. All figure are for 15mm.
Thanks and please let me know if you have any questions about anything,