Saturday, 16 May 2009

Some Useful Star Wars Battles Miniatures

"You and Whose Army?"
'George' with some Star Wars Battles' Super Battle Droids

"Klaatu barada nikto"
Transaltes as "Read my Fist!"

"Yer Berilium manifold's gone mate! That's gonna cost ya."
A Star Wars Miniatures Repair Driod
Useful as 'clutter' in any Sci Fi repair shop, spaceport docking bay etc

A variant on my SkyRaptor Kitbash
15mm QRF AMX13 hull married with the turret from
GZG V15-26C Manned Groundmount Weapons Platform with Missile System

Found these pics which I took back in Jan/Feb and promptly saved to the depths of my laptop's hard drive. The Star Wars Battles Miniatures are a cheap source of 'supersized droids' and can usually be found for 99p to £1.50 on EBAY.

100th Post!

My next post will be my 100th on Dropship Horizon. I hope to be able to make it something special with all the latest news and buzz on 15mm Sci Fi miniatures. I've written to manufacturers and asked them if they'd like to contribute with photos, news or hints on whats coming up. So, it will be a few days whilst I give everyone I've contacted a fair chance to reply and make a contribution, should they be able to do so.

The 101st post will have a free pdf of our Space Cowboy game and thereafter as life and work priorities have faded into the background expect more after action reports, rules reviews and miniature comparisons.



  1. You talk like an old women, or a, yak, yak!


  2. Thanks for the heads up Michael.

    I used to describe myself as 40 going on 14 so you're not far off.


  3. Love the Star Wars droids. I must get some of those for my son.

    Looking forward to seeing the Spacecowboy game.

    Keep well

