Sunday, 7 August 2016

Brigade Models - New Terrain

Brigade Models has been hard at work with the Imperial Skies Kickstarter but as things are coming back to normalcy they have released a few wonderful bits for 15mm science fiction.

The release is a set of outbuildings for their Advanced Buildings. These are perfect for small habs, workshops, sheds or other light utility structures. The second set is a bunch of "widgets" for use on the tops of the Desert Buildings, though I see no reason they wouldn't work on other structures. If you are like me, you love these sorts of add-ons for your own scratch built terrain.


B15-210 – Small Utility Building – £4.00
B15-139 – Building Detail Widgets – £3.00


  1. Sorry, I forgot to correct the headline. I had mistaken some of their 6mm releases as 15mm.
