Began spraying my 15mm wasteland terrain. It was a beautiful morning first thing - took my stuff outside to spray - and the moment I was ready, the wind picked up!
Nevertheless, you can see an encouraging example of the results from the first coat below.

The Krylon Matt Warm Aubegine has worked out really well - available from Hobbycraft for just £4.99.
I like the colour and as there will be plenty left am seriously considering using it as part of a two-tone scheme on some of my Sci Fi armour.
I intend giving the terrain bases another coat of Warm Aubergine in a short while before applying some dark washes of GW Devlan Mud, artist acrylic Burnt Umber. The rust effect will be created with artist acrylics Mars Orange.
I'm very impressed by the even and smooth finish of the Krylon spray. The instructions on the can recommended spraying from 25cm, but I found the coverage was too light, so held the can much closer with no adverse effects. I tell you, I'd paint all my tanks with this stuff if possible!