My laptop has gone Pffzzzt! I have only limited internet/email access in the meantime, so will be a couple of days before I'm up and runing again.Cheers
Pro Fide, Pro Utilitate Hominum
These two sentences were simply inspirational for creating the vision of a game in my mind. In Tom.War terms we're talking a Quality Test for the 'Blink Test'. If Amy Pond and you know who are not your thing, then leaving behind any reference to DR WHO, a similar game could be achieved using these ideas with Khurasan's Space Demons, the hammerheads especially, in a setting inspired by PITCH BLACK (2000)."Hostiles with built-in turn-based behaviour. Could make for very interesting games. Watch your lines-of-sight and pray that your characters don't fail their blink-test."
It's a potent reminder that whether I have a good day or a bad day at work, that every day I wake, I've just rolled a '6'.
The Tomorrow's War expansion will sell for $15. USD
Tomorrow's War bundled with the printer friendly version of FoF will be $5 USD more, for a total of $20. USD
This is a pre-release version – it contains the core rules for the stand-alone Tomorrow's War print version that we'll be publishing with Osprey in September of 2011. It doesn't contain all the fluff, photography, or AMAZING art you'll see in the final version, but it does have everything you need to play. There will be a few minor differences in next year's version to reflect the changes we're making in 2nd Edition FoF – but honestly, most of those changes are relatively minor.
TW does contain our re-worked vehicle rules, though, so you'll get a sneak peek at what those will be like in FoF II, albeit in a SciFi setting.
We're putting it out this way as a service to our fans whom we assured would have the game this year – it doesn't seem fair to make them wait till 2011 for something just because we entered into a new business arrangement. We're doing the bundle deal for those new to our games who want to get a jump start on Tomorrow's War.
Release is imminent – a layout draft is with our layout artist. I hope to give you all a solid release date Monday.