I really like these figures. They have a classic Sci Fi / Futuristic grunt look about them without being Evil Imperium stormtroopers or neo-Gothic WW1. As such they can fulfill a variety of roles such as rebels, colonist paramilitary and of course main force professional planetary infantry. If you are a Hammers Slammers fan, look no further. I'm now wondering if these NAC Marines should become my new Hykranian infantry?

I'm normally the first to complain if a range of miniatures has figures which are not consistent with each other in size and bulk, or if they have a girth on a par with the late John Candy. I simply don't subscribe to "we all come in different shapes and sizes". MG42's don't come in small, medium and supersize.
There IS one to two mm variation in the height and build of these new figures from GZG and yes a small amount fo scale creep, but they are not out of line with GZG's previous grunt releases such as the Free Cal-Tex and actually mix well with them. On the Barrett scale, the new NAC Marines average out at 16-16.5M.
Needless to say that you won't be able to mount these side by side with RAFM (Ex-Traveller/Striker) Infantry or even GZG's own New Israeli's, but you wouldn't probably anyway. Playing around with the figs in various configurations on the FOW bases this morning, I never even noticed if there were any preceptible differences between the miniatures.
Heather costantly admonishes me with "don't let the perfect get in the way of the good". These miniatures are within tolerance limits with other miniatures from GZG and the sculpting goes way beyond just good. Some, such as the NCO are incredible.
The full N.A.C. Marine range will include separate packs of riflemen, support, heavy weapons and NCO's/Officers. Don't worry if you already have the existing NAC Royal Marines SG15-A1, these will still be available.
Will keep you posted as the range develops.