This month's (January) unique miniature is -

The Winter Musterman is the white metal 15mm miniature in
the above image and until 1st February 2013 he is FREE in each and every order
placed with us at the rate of one per order placed. After that date he will be retired and
replaced by the next free miniature and of course you earn reward points on all
orders too. Read more - HERE.
On to a few things missed..
IAF017 Ellen and Ripley

Two unique character miniatures to lead your Retained
Knights. Female personalities for your IAF016 Retained Post Delta perhaps?
Perfect for battling aliens! Read full details HERE.
IAF022 Muster 1st Patrol

The Patrol is a vast number of regiments of
troopers who all have time served combat experience and act as a front time aid
to Retained Knights and also in their own right. This squad of ten brand new white metal 15mm
poses is composed of a low ranking officer with Moth Pistol, several poses of trooper
with Moth Rifle, with Tumbler SMG and a couple of with heavier weapons the
Anvil 888 and Charlatan 22mm Launcher.
Wearing Aketon armour and Patrol helmets this is a central squad for a
patrol platoon. As always this code can
be bought as a pack or as single miniatures or select the three packs and save
10% option on the page. Go HERE.
And we'll finish up with a bit of a preview...

I know it's a lot to take in, but here you go.
Clever presentation of the minis: Figure character names to raise them out of the status of metal minis and elevate them to metal minis with a personae and purpose for being.
ReplyDeleteAlso, you might consider providing a black and white figure-card, like the one example above, to the modeler for their reference; and maybe even a template on which to try out a paint scheme or two. I'm graphically oriented and drawings will almost always grab my attention and coin purse. (I am assuming I am not the only sentient in the universe who feels and acts this way.) But if I am, so be it.
Thanks Jay. We are thinking of stats and uniforms once we have Patrol Angis up and running at release.
DeleteYou are not the only being that feels this way. After all, if you were, then there would be no artwork and so on in wargaming and it would be all the poorer for it.