Tuesday 1 December 2009

Life Work The Universe...... I Am Spartacus and so's my WiFi

I am Spartacus!

Well Nicole, seen here on the cover of GQ, you could be couldn't you!

As a lay student of the human condition my workplace is a fascinating classroom at the moment. Actual work has all but ground to a standstill as we are nailed to the cross of redundancy one by one along the Appian Way of 'efficiency savings'. Everyone is struggling to come to terms with this. There is no "I AM Spartacus", daggers are out behind backs - it's survival of the bitchiest.

So, there was a welcome light-hearted moment today when my colleagues decided I was a GQ kind of guy, to which with a smile I openly admitted that yes, I did use to read the mag - but just for the articles you understand!

I enjoyed the regular column written by Alexis Sayle, zany neo-marxist comic turned novelist. There was one particularly piece that tugged at my funny-bone about him being called up to do National Service in the Albanian Army or similar whilst he was on holiday there - and from that my own imagi-nation of Slobenia was born.

Of course there were wry comments all round about my admission, but a scan of the other desks reveal a litter of STUFF, WHAT CAR, D-SLR MONTHLY and similar well-thumbed titles. So I'm happy being a GQ kind of guy.



  1. Nicole Kidman is a goddess :)

  2. I must admit that I thought Nicole Kidman was incredibly attractive as a brunette in Peacemaker with George Clooney - cracking film. Clooney should have picked up the Jack Ryan franchise instead of Affleck - far more believable in the role.

