15mm Highland Infantry Advancing
Pack 22/82, £2.30 for 8 infantry
from Peter Pig
Pack 22/82, £2.30 for 8 infantry
from Peter Pig
At bloody last I have a decent reason to finish my 15mm Sudan collection, conduct punitive expeditions against the Pathan and make Mars the ruby of Her Imperial Britannic Majesty's crown.
Now, anyone interested in 15mm VSF, or alternatively wants to reenact the Sinking of The Titanic, should seriously consider Peter Pig's Naval ships crew, Pack 22/61.
There's a nice retro Sci Fi feel about these figures that could make them useful as a luxury cruise liner crew like those on Fhlotsin Paradise in The Fifth Element. Yes?
Thanks for showcasing the Naval Crew. Those will work great for crewing airships and steam walkers alike.