Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Rebel Minis 'Mighty Armour' Workbench

Responding to customer requests on TMP, Mike at Rebel Minis has sent me some 'workbench' photos from his upcoming line of Mighty Armour Sci Fi AFV's to share with you. These include the Merka 5 Medium Tank, the standard Combat Flatbed and the first variation of the recently released APC, the Twin Gun Badger Class APC. There will be more variations of these AFV's later.

Rebel Minis 15mm Merka 5

Rebel Minis 15mm Combat Flatbed

Rebel Minis 15mm Twin Gun Badger Class

More details on realease dates, prices etc. will appear on TMP and Dropship Horizon when the information is available.

Below is a photo of the 1st release in the range for 2009, MAEFV1 the Earth Force APC at $9.99.

MAEFV1 Earth Force APC at $9.99

Available now from Rebel Minis. For more details (click here)



  1. I want the MBT!!! Very New Israeli looking . . . . .


  2. The Merkava 5 doesn't look as advanced as the new Merkava 3 or 4. Any reason why? It actually looks like a step backward from current Israeli tech.

    It's a nice model, but I can't help but feel they may have fumbled on this one.

    The other models are cool. Add a boxy back section to that flatbed and you might have a good stand-in for the rover vehicle off of the Classic BSG series.


  3. Forgot a link

    I hate making statements and not backing them up with anything. I still am thrilled to see Rebel doing armor and a new turret is all it would take. Maybe it's not too late?


  4. I based the look off the Merkava Mk.2, since the Merkava Mk.4 left me a little cold, design wise. To me, the Mk.2 is the classic look for the ultimate Israeli MBT. Mk.4's turret looks too much like a pumpkin seed.
    Just one guy's opinion.


  5. I can respect your decision. I guess I was hoping for something more than what I could kitbash out of some 15mm Merkavas and a few spare guns.


  6. Not to worry. There's a lot more to this kit that will see the light of day. Modularity is a central theme of how I like to design.


  7. If you'd like to see some painted versions of the new Rebel Minis space marines, take a look here:



  8. I'm still waiting to see the new "Mighty Armor" troops in Battle Armor, like is shown on their 15mm Sci-Fi page, to the right.

    They guys are wearing full battle armor, shown in a maroon color.
