Thursday, 28 April 2011

SUNRAY DOWN..... Again

Collapsed again. This time home alone. A little bit scary for that but actually very helpful, as I was able to experience, mentally note and subsequently record what happened and the way I felt.

It bagan with a feeling like a slinky spring going from the back of my head, along the top of my cranium till it compressed against my forehead just above my brow. At that point I couldnt focus on anything, not blurred, just couldnt focus on anything I looked at. I took a step forward and the ground rushed up to meet me in a way I can only describe as being like the scene in INCEPTION, where Paris folds up and over.

I still had this compression feeling in my head but remained conscious and checked myself over. Nothing hurt from the fall, breathing ok, heart ok, pulse a little slow (but I'm no expert). Lying on my back the ceiling was rocking back and forth in a figure of '8' motion. I rolled over carefully and pulled my knees up to my chest.  As I lifted my head about 18" off the ground, everything suddenly felt like I was at sea and I simply keeled over onto my side.

At that point I decided to remain calm and wait it out. I was lying in front of the living room window and my only concern was giving Postie a fright (luckily I was fully clothed, so not that big a fright!). After 10 or so minutes I was able to get on my feet but had to hold onto furniture, door jams etc for about an hour afterwards.

 Been to the Vets. Further tests. Going again this morning. The whole thing is bloody weird. Nevertheless,  Master Chef is maintaining a watching brief on me. Good bloke. I'll keep you posted.



  1. Take it easy Mark, good to hear you're able to stay so calm amongst it all. All the best mate.

  2. Wow, Mark. Do you think you might need to carry a pager or something similar so you can at least have the alarm raised for you if you have another turn?

    Take care!

  3. Well mark that's not good but at least you made it through unscathed.
    Have you been CT scanned ? I presume all the blood pressure,weight, cholesterol et al have been checked?
    Perhaps it's all that running your hands over little metal Buffy that got you too excited ;-)

  4. Thanks guys.

    I set up an ICE (In Case of Emergency) quick dial on my mbile before the first incident. Will just need to keep my mobile handy.

    Doctor is running through a series of tests - eliminating liver & kidney failure first. A CT may well be on the cards. The NHS is out the door with patients this week and probably next too due to the bank holidays coming on the end of two weeks school holidays. So I'm not expecting (or demanding) quick results.


  5. Hi Mark

    Will you stop falling over otherwise you are going to need a weeble suit!

    Seriously look after yourself mate or you are going to do yourself a serious injury. I know this from my own experiences :-(. Very similar to yours but probably completely different problem altogether knowing our wonderful bodies never being the same! Mine was caused by psoriasis arthritis which had a go at my inner ear so lost all balance but only did it once in a while and being psoriasis based the more stressed you got the more it happened. Luckily medication came to the rescue as i hope will for you Mark.

    Keep safe cheers Matt

  6. Mark, take care of yourself please. Even if it means leaving the hobby table and lounging about for a bit. You can't fall if you aren't standing.


  7. Here's hoping it's nothing too serious.

    Be careful. :)

  8. Wow! take care of yourself buddy, your health is the most important thing. positive wave being sent to you.

  9. You cant paint minis if your dead, be careful (besides even if you came back as a zombie too many people who know you would know exactly what to do to your shambling self)

  10. Thanks guys.

    I have no intention of being a Zombie just yet. If I do turn into one, you have my pemission to desptach me with a shovel!


  11. Hmm.. I wonder now... It seems like a lot of Wargamers are in poor health. I myself seem to be having chronic problems of my own and I'm not even in that bad of shape, nor am I to an age when I *should* be expecting the body to start failing... Blah.

    Ah well, Hope you're well Mark. This blog of yours is my only real source of info for what's worth buying.
