Thursday, 27 January 2011

Last Night's Efforts......

Start to finish. Well, almost....

.....drybrush the rifles, spray varnish and a few clumps of autumn grass flock to complete. Achingly simple but effective all round. Would have had more done last night, but got sidetracked by Sons of Anarchy on the Kitchen TV.



  1. Mark, nice painting. What is your technique? This the general look I want for my Sci-Fi figures.

  2. Thanks Eric,

    It's simplicity itself. 3 coats of Citadel Asurmen Blue wash straight onto bare metal. Let each coat dry, or mostly dry, and use the brush to prevent pooling on flat surfaces.

    The bases are nothing special - tallus glued on in patches then the rest filled in with 'sharp' (stoney) sand. Watered PVA over the top to hold everything in place and give a key for the Acrylic paint.

    Mars Orange base colour, thinned wash of Peat Brown W&N ink (Devlun Mud would do), drybrush Kommando Khaki to taste.

