Monday, 28 March 2011

The Six Sigma Ninjas: Have Nunchuck Will Travel

The Six Sigma Ninja game last week was a blast, and such a great way to release pent up work issues when I get home that this week's project is to create a dedicated team of 15mm Six Sigma Ninja characters.

I have some spare Ninjas from Old Glory 15s and they are due to get the GZG separate head treatment (SG15-XH2).

Should be able to get my hands on some bona fide office layouts from work and I know Maff (Master Chef), as a big West Wing fan, has put together a map of the White House from online visitor guides - so we can take back the Oval Office, one water cooler at a time..... but first, the alien menace in the city Toon Hoos' must be quashed!


  1. First the office block across the street, then the White House next... Aberdeen City Council?

    I've heard they're a hotbed for fifth columnists and other subversives

  2. The White House? Yeah, plenty of Fifth Columnists there!



  3. How do the Old Glory Ninja stack up to the Kremlin Miniatures ones?

  4. Please send me your snail mail, have some free stuff for ya from a long time follower/troller!

    Jimbo ACPro

  5. You can get 15mm nijas via dixons - plus some other japanese goodies including monks that are "non period".

    I've bought some Nagas and Bakemono to take on some of the larger Khurasan nasties - should consider if you have anything like Japanese walkers.
