Sunday, 31 January 2010

Harkonnen Sand Trooper Patrol

My Harkonnen Sand Troopers started as a 'throw away' project (more intel here). But like many before, it's grown arms and legs in quick succession. This time in the form of two platoons of GZG Chariot Light APCs (V15-04C pictured below), plus robotic infantry and Walker Drones (on the workbench). A perfect OPFOR with AA's forthcoming Tomorrow's War.

I rarely buy tracked Sci Fi vehicles. I'm a 'Grav Man', but these Chariot APCs are really tasty little models. One platoon became two, and I really had to fight the urge to buy that third platoon/company command with my GZG discount voucher. The variants available allow you to build interesting platoons that are more than just 3-4 tracked boxes. Regardless of discount, got to keep my eye on next month's new 'Colony Bar'.

ps: A late night dash to the wire and I manage to finish the Harkonnen headswops too! Huzzah!

Khurasan "Greeblies" fini!

Khurasan Miniatures 15mm Sci Fi
Space Demon Nymphs
(click on picture for larger image)

Really enjoyed painting these little 'greeblies' from Khurasan and thoroughly recommend them!

A complete contrast in size, I've begun working on the Space Demon Collossus. Taking my time as it's a beautiful model and deserves respect.

Khurasan Miniatures 15mm Sci Fi
Space Demon Colossus (top view)

Notice the tabs on the legs that securely hold them to the model and provide additional strenth/stability. More pics later.



I was asked about Spugs.....


Critical Mass Games - 15mm Medium Tank and Scout AFVs

Craig has has me some photos of Critical Mass Games' forthcoming additions to the Arc Fleet range.

Critical Mass Games 15mm Sci Fi
Top Row: Arc Fleet Medium Tank variants
Bottom Row: Arc Fleet Scout AFV variants

Critical Mass Games 15mm Sci Fi
Arc Fleet Medium Tank

Critical Mass Games 15mm Sci Fi
Arc Fleet Scout AFV

These are proof castings. The models aren't ready for sale just yet. Planned release date is 22nd February. For more photos, drop into Critical Mass Games Forum:


STOP PRESS: 15mm Corridor System from Litko!

Just what we've all been waitying for, Litko have released a 15mm Sci Fi Mini Corridor (tile) System kit.

The Mini Corridor Starter Set is supported by two sets of additional corridor tiles. All come unpainted and the airlock doors require minimal assembly. As you can see though - Sci Fi guncrawls are easily within your grasp without messing with printers, scissors and paper glue.

The Mini Corridor Starter Set retails at $89.00 includes: 20x door bases, 40x airlock door parts, 20x entry tiles, 4x cross section tiles, 4x tee section tiles, 4x corner section tiles, 2x dean end tiles, 4x 1 space corridors, 8x 2 space corridors, 8x 3 space corridors, 4x 4 space corridors, 4x 5 space corridors, 1x 4 door room, 2x 3 door room, 3x 2 door room and 2x 1 door room.

More details on the Litko webstore:


Saturday, 30 January 2010

Topgun Releases Clean-Hulled Grav Tanks

Rob at Topgun Marketing has been in touch to let me know that clean-hulled Grav Tanks, are now available for general sale, in addition to their Active Armor Defense System (AADS) © models.

Topgun Marketing 15mm Sci Fi
Type 9 Grav Tank - "Clean" hull

The clean-hulled models came about through customer feedback and are available with all of the various weapons choices for the Type 9 - Type 16 Grav Tank variants.

Topgun Marketing 15mm Sci Fi
Type 13 Grav Tank - "Clean" hull

When ordering, please specify either "AADS" ©, or "Clean", along with the type designation, and quantity, so Rob knows what type you want.

Topgun Marketing 15mm Sci Fi
Type 9 Grav Tank - "Clean" hull

I'm delighted that these Grav Tanks appear to be selling well. Rob hopes to have the Scouts, APC's, IFV's, plus various additional models available for sale in a couple of weeks.

More info about the range can be found on the Topgun website. Additional photos of the "clean-hulled" models will be posted there soon:

Still have time to make use of Topgun's special offer if you're quick! Click on the side panel for more details!


Life Work The Universe...... Birthday Boys

Mos, and Zol, are 1 year old today! No longer kittens, they get the key to the Tuna tin being now 'offically' cats.

Moskau and Zollie at 6 Weeks

Zollie (bottom): "I am the Science Officer of this Starship.
Ready to boldly go where no washing basket
has been before Captain!

Update: In both photos
Moskau - top, Zollie - below.


Friday, 29 January 2010

Space Nymph - Martian Greeblies

Khurasan Space Demon Nymphs - painted as Martian (Red Planet) 'Greeblies'. I started painting them as 'desert' greeblies but Red Planet is more interesting and whilst black/dark grey would have been a better colour contrast - it's too hackneyed for my taste.

Space Nymphs on a 30mm MDF base

Space Demon Nymph.
6mm high

I'm basing each pack as 2x 2 Nymphs on 30mm bases and 1x 4 on a 40mm Base. Despite NOT wanting to turn to black/dark grey - I think they would be great as a toxic swarm in a post apocalyptic urban setting......


Life Work The Universe...... More Soddin' Snow!

Had been looking forward to a productive week but it's been both an emotionally and mentally demanding one at work. Mid-week the evenings got hi-jacked in purchasing a new Land-Rover.

And just as well, it's sitting in the drive this morning covered in an inch of snow, that beat down overnight from nowhere causing havoc on the roads again -

A90 this morning (EE photo)

We put feelers out in the village for a new 'Landy' at the weekend. After being cut off by the snow and floods at the beginning of the year we felt it was time. I'd been hoping for a Defender, something I could work on myself if required, but in f'ermin country they go at a premium - around twice list price.

Nevertheless, Bill from our local garage came up trumps with a 2001 model, in very good nick, owned by himself and half list price for a quick deal! Took it for a test drive into the hills. DONE!

Stopped by Hobbycraft in Aberdeen on my way home last night and bought a hobby hot glue gun - mini glue guns and accessories are half price at the moment - so hot glue gun, mat and two packets of glue sticks for a tenner! The cashier, Pamela, has served me before - really pleasant woman. She told me "This will be the last time you see me" - turns out this brand new bright and shiny branch that opened just before Christmas is making her and seven of her colleagues redundant. I gave her Heather's business card as H is always looking for good staff, told Pamela I'd recommend her and to get in touch.

Today, I've tried to 'catch up' by re-basing 4 platoons of USNC, basing and painting the new Khurasan Nymph bugs and doing some headswops on various miniatures.

Khurasan 15mm Sci Fi
Space Demon Nymphs
( WIP)


Thursday, 28 January 2010

Khurasan Miniatures: Space Demon Colossus!

Khurasan Miniatures 15mm Sci Fi
Space Demon Colossus $11.99 each
Nymphs (left) $3.99 for eight
Space Demon Assault Warrior -
(right) $5.99 for eight

The Colossus is just that! It's big! I mean it's BIG! 65mm approx to highest part of ridge on his back. Legs are 50mm tall and oh my Zod! It's beautiful!

These behemoths are perfect to round out an Alien Squad Leader 'Hive' army uing Khurasan's Space Demons. ASQL I can see at least three of these monsters on my tabletop in the near future, taking on 28mm as well as 15mm humans.

The Space Demon Nymphs are four legged razor backed bugs. They are moulded to a square base 10mm across and 6mm at their highest point. There's two variants - I didn't notice until I started painting them. I'm sure they will very nicely fit into a variety of scurrying and swarming roles across Sci Fi, Pulp, VSF, Post Apocalyptic genres.

There's something about these Nymphs that reminded me of Paul Winfield's fate in Damnation Alley (1977).

The Space Demon Colossus are $11.99 each, whilst the Nymphs are $3.99 for eight.

Available NOW from:


Wednesday, 27 January 2010

There's A Swarm Coming!

Khurasan Miniatures 15mm Sci Fi Vespulid Swarm

From Jon at Khurasan,

Mike Broadbent is back from Cancon and he's finished up the Vespulid Swarm for me. They will be sold in packs of nine, eight warriors and a drone.

The basic warriors have ion shotguns and can fight with their mandibles and stingers for close combat if necessary. Like all Vespulids of the warrior caste, they have had their wings removed and rocketpacks installed in their place.

15mm Sci Fi Khurasan Miniatures
Vespulid Warrior and Corporate Marine dollies

The warriors are based on the German wasp. One warrior in each flight has a mechcontroller -- if the warrior can place it on a tank or other piece of machinery, the warrior can take over the equipment's functioning. This is reminiscent of those wasps that burrow into the brain of much larger bugs and take them over, leading them peacefully to their nests so
that the eggs can be laid on them.

Each flight is led by a drone, a huge powerhouse of a creature with two ion shotguns and, mounted on its backpack, an ion howitzer that fires a single huge ion blast. The drone does not have a sting, but it has enormous mandibles that are capable of biting a human's head or arm clean off. The drone is based on the asian giant hornet.

Because your swarms will have eight different warriors and one drone, a very large number of squads can be built without duplicate models.

The Vespulids don't have vehicles, they only have an ion mortar which fires at the pheromonic direction of the drone. It's not made yet but it will be honeycomb like. They do take over enemy vehicles though, which would be a fun accomplishment! Until the bug is shot off the vehicle, that is.

I think they are neat, what do you think? It took someone of Mike's experience and caliber to make the basic warriors one piece castings despite the fact that they have six legs!!!


Thanks to both Mike and Jon, from what I've seen, I think they're bloody marvellous!


Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Four Sushi's To Go!

Another photo of Jon's awesome 15mm Sci Fi 'Colony Bar', coming in Feb and a better shot of those Cargo Containers and Pods/Bins which are available now and should be on the GZG webstore anytime soon.

V15-ACC20 Large Cargo Containers (pack of 3) £5.00

V15-ACC21 Medium Cargo Containers (pack of 6) £5.00

V15-ACC22 Small Cargo Pods or Bins (pack of 6) £2.50

The 'Bar' is 50mm by 70mm. Assuming nominal 1/100 scales out at 5 x 7 metres, or around 16 x 23 feet.



New Israeli Grav Bikes

GZG 15mm Grav Bikes: V15-78
(pack of 2, including stands) £3.50


GZG 15mm Light UNSC & Cyclops Battlesuit Preview

Absolutely love these guys....

GZG 15mm Sci Fi SG15-U20
UNSC Light Infantry in Advanced Combat Armour
Rifles Pack A (8 figs, 2 each of 4 poses) £2.50

V15-79A "Cyclops" Heavy Battlesuit
(2.8m tall Infantry Combat Walker )
heavy autorifle - pack of 2,
variant poses with separate arms.
£3.50 for 2 figs

V15-79B "Cyclops" Heavy Battlesuit
(2.8m tall Infantry Combat Walker)
special weapons - pack of 2,
variant poses with separate arms,
1 each of 2 weapon variants.
£3.50 for 2 figs


Monday, 25 January 2010

Breaking News...Zod Commandos Raid MacReady's

Tonight's Burns Supper game of Ambush Alley - Haggis, Neeps & SPUGS - was interrupted by the following GZG NewsVid.......

Here is a BADASS new piece of terrain from Jon at GZG - Colonel Eli of the 56th Regina Lift Cohort says "Those LV-426 model commercial units work well as everything from a noodle shack to a paymaster's booth for a merc base. My boys like some R&R down at MacReady's Bar".

An incredibly versatile piece for your Sci Fi tabletop pictured with Jon's new UNSC Light Troopers.

The "Colony Bar" will be available in Feb. The rest is available NOW:

SG15-U20 UNSC Light Infantry in Advanced Combat Armour, Rifles Pack A (8 figs, 2 each of 4 poses) £2.50

V15-ACC20 Large Cargo Containers (pack of 3) £5.00

V15-ACC21 Medium Cargo Containers (pack of 6) £5.00

V15-ACC22 Small Cargo Pods or Bins (pack of 6) £2.50

Should all be on the GZG website within the next day or so. Stay tuned for more.......


Sunday, 24 January 2010

Harkonnen's Finest

This weekend I've managed to paint an 18 figure platoon of 'Harkonnen Sand Troopers'.

These guys are left over GZG SG15-F1 FSE Colonial Legionnaires abandoned and looking for a purpose. And this weekend that purpose became testing a 'quick & dirty' desert cammies painting technique. It wasn't in my plan to paint them fully, but having painted and based them, I now sneakingly quite like the minis and want to put them into action on the tabletop.

I've based the Sand Troopers individually to play Ambush Alley, Tom.War and some 1-2-1 character skirmish games, all loosely based in and around Mudd Eisley. I visualise them very much in the "These are not the droids we are looking for" kind of role.

There's no dedicated leader figure which means one of the grunts in each squad gets a promotion and a big orange stripe. Platoon command is relegated to an Old Crow Outrider Scout Vehicle pulled from another project. Nothing wrong with 'Gorman' style command in the Twenty-ummph Century, but it does make it difficult to love 'em.

I'm bulking out the platoon with FSE Legionnaires in Kepis donated by the Master Chef. I'm not enamoured with these figures but the Kepi heads are easy to snip off and replace. This will add much needed variety and character to the platoon for 1-2-1 character skirmish games. Hope to have these headswops finished and fully painted/based in a day or so.

Finally, I've made a decision to further enhance both the character and firepower of the platoon with Critical Mass Games Merc3 Drone Walkers supporting each squad.


Saturday, 23 January 2010

Gotta Have a Pack of Grunts or Two.....

I've been asked several times over the past months what numbers/types of troops constitutes a good range of 15mm military minis?

Let's put aside style and posing in this instance and look at what - purely in my opinion - constitutes a 'good' range of military Sci Fi minis.

For me, at the basic level in 15mm it really comes down to having enough grunt poses with identifiable command and squad support miniatures to keep the force from looking stale. Mid-Tech with open helmets? Then 1 Fireteam Leader (preferably two), 4-6 grunts (2-3 female), SAW and light Support Weapon gunner (preferably two of each) provide enough troops to make up interesting and varied combat groups.

You can expand by having a Platoon Leader, possibly also a platoon sergeant character, medic droid, LAW/RPG rocket launcher and man held Plasma/rotary cannon.

Let's cement this, again talking Mid-Tech, as:

Option 1

Pack 1: Fireteam Leader, 2 grunts (1 female?), SAW
Pack 2: Fireteam Leader (female?) 2 grunts, SAW (variant) or LAW/RPG rocket launcher

8 figures per pack - 2x each pose

One of the FireTeam Leaders becomes a platoon leader. Downside - stale and lacks character above squad level.

Option 2

As Option 1, as above but include a platoon command/character pack. A second different SAW pose would be good - make it character figure (think Blane, Drake or Vasquez) to ring the changes.

Pack 3: Characters. Platoon Leader (preferably two), grizzled Platoon Sgt/Top Kick (barehead or cap), Medical Droid, SAW (female? bandana/barehead Ponytail)

The Top Kick, droid and bandana/ponytail gunner are generic enough that these can slip into existing tabletop forces, or become Mercs/'Adventurers'.

Later expansion can include:

Pack 4 : Plasma or Gauss Cannon Gunner in bandana or specialist helmet, Tech Sgt/Hacker, (see Infinity range for Tech/Hacker inspiration), Wounded but still fighting female trooper (similar to Hasslefree's Kendra, in combat cap like Jas pictured here), Sniper w. Gauss Rifle (ghillie suit or nano-tech).


3 packs totalling 12 unique sculpts gives me enough minis for a platoon or two in combat, including command and a couple of characters. The Top Kick can lead second platoon.

4 packs totalling 16 sculpts gives me additional company level support troops and characters. This also allows me to personalise my platoons. Kendra can be a specialist, hero or lead third platoon/company.

What about heavier weapons? Well, if you have been living in a hole for the past couple of years you will have failed to notice that GZG produce a large range of excellent and importantly, generic support weapons for re-inforced platoon, company and battalion level games. You want to produce your own? Fine! But only after core packs 1-2-3......!!!!

If you study FOW's new WW2 pack 812: British Guards Rifle Platoon (NW Europe), each section (squad) has a different section leader & different Bren gunner, plus there's a choice of 2 platoon leader miniatures and a potential company commander figure. This allows me to give each section, each platoon a unique identity of it's own.

OK, what I've suggested above isn't to all tastes - it's certainly NOT the be all and end all - and sure, I'd like a few more poses of this or that, maybe the odd extra weapon here or there, But, I think these pack ideas promote versatility, character and identity within a reasonable number of sculpts/cost bracket - and that is more important to me in 15mm for 2010 and beyond than "one pack grunts advancing, one pack grunts firing......".


Togun Marketing Grav Armour Updates....

Rob at Topgun Marketing sent me the following update on his new 15mm Sci Fi Grav Armour range:

Topgun Marketing: 15mm Sci Fi Grav Armour
Type16 Urban Assault Tank

"The following items will be available for direct sale by the end of the month, and our pre-order release discount deal, with the free, and/or discounted shipping, will be ending on January 31st (individual, and platoon pack pricing for four vehicles is provided below):"

Type 9 Light Grav Tank
Single $13.99 Platoon Pack $51.99

Type 10 Medium Grav Tank Hunter – beam/cannon armed

Single $13.99 Platoon Pack $51.99

Type 11 Medium Grav Tank
Single $13.99 Platoon Pack $51.99

Type 13 Heavy Grav Tank
Single $15.99 Platoon Pack $59.99

Type 14 Heavy Tank Hunter
Single $15.99 Platoon Pack $59.99

Type 16 Heavy Urban Assault Tank / Fire Support Veh.
Single $15.99 Platoon Pack $59.99

Topgun Marketing: 15mm Sci Fi Grav Armour
Type14 Heavy Tank Hunter (weapon A)

Topgun Marketing: 15mm Sci Fi Grav Armour
Type14 Heavy Tank Hunter (weapon B)

You can see more photos, and get more info about the full range on Rob's website:

Topgun Marketing: 15mm Sci Fi Grav Armour
Type16 Urban Assault Tank (alternate view)

More details on TMP here (click)


Thursday, 21 January 2010

QRF 15mm Modern Americans - Preview

The latest Modern American greens from Geoff at QRF. These packs are available on the webstore to pre-order NOW, to allow you to make use of QRF's current 15% discount offer!

QRF 15mm Modern Americans
MAI01 M4 Advancing: 8 figures - £2.00

QRF 15mm Modern Americans
MAI02 M4 Firing: 8 figures - £2.00

QRF 15mm Modern Americans
MAI13 M249: 8 figures - £2.00

QRF 15mm Modern Americans
MAI04 Command: 8 figures - £2.00

These new Modern Americans should be officially available in a week or so. I particularly like the advancing guys - another manufacturer that listens!!!!!! - good on yer Geoff! They will be followed by Modern Americans in 'ranger' caps sometime soon.


Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Top Cat: Sgt Major Moghi - My Way

Following the epic battle for Mt Hilinabox, how could I not reward the bravery of Clan Sgt Major G'ngr Moghi - no, not an extra pouch of 'Torsk!' in his ratpack but his own dedicated miniature!

The figure is a Khurasan Miniatures Felid commander from pack TTC-1300. Luuvely models. Not quite finished but I thought you'd appreciate the pic! I really had fun painting this mini and now looking forward to cracking on with the remaining Felids that arrived this week as Russian Blues (grey).

GW Calthan Brown basecoat which is much more chocolate than it appears in the photo. Wash with Devlan Mud. Add Commando Khaki to the brown and highlight with a size '0' brush. You might want to drybrush with Calthan Brown before the highlight. Alternatively, black undercoat, liberally drybrush Calthan then wash & highlight Calthan/Commando Khaki.

The ahem 'Tiger stripes' are applied with a quick slash of an size '0' brush. I decided to go for effect and one or two slashes in each colour worked really well IMO. Judge for yourself in the picture to the right, where the miniature is actual size (approx 100 pixels tall).


Sunday, 17 January 2010

Khurasan Miniatures: 15mm Mantis Stalkers Review

My first order of Khurasan's Mantis Stalkers was waiting for me when we got home Friday night. These are really, really nice miniatures. In many ways more 'frightening' and 'alien' than the now hackneyed movie Aliens - "Xeno-whaaaat?" - we've come to love so well.

Pack TTC-1210 contains eight minis in 2 each of four poses for $5.99. Two 'stalking' and 2 'striking' poses. The crouched stalking Mantis are 15mm top to bottom of the casting. The tallest of the striking Mantis is 20mm sole to top of head, 18mm to eyes, 26mm to top of his raptorial tibia. Note that the joints on the arms are thin at the 'elbow' so be VERY careful trying to bend them to create alternative poses!

The minis are very well detailed and I'm expecting them to respond equally well to washes. There's no reason why they have to be green. Yellow, red, black, purple base colours could turn the Mantis into striking otherworldly alien fauna.

Having played around the the bare metal castings over the past 24 hours, these are definitely my 'bugs' of choice! I'll add a pack of Mantis Stalkers to every order placed with Khurasan over the coming months to build up my 'swarm' by increments.

I think there's plenty of potential to use the miniatures as more sentient insectoids - weapons, tools and even hive command figures would create VSF or Sci Fi lunar or Martian "Selenite" bugmen.

So, you can keep your Aliens and your Pseudo-Arachnids. Boiling swarms of rushing, 'hissing' Mantis are the stuff of nightmares and a must for any 'Bug Hunt' be it in the sewers of Los Angeles, the jungles of Epsilon VI or the corridors of an abandoned Asimov class Star Destroyer.


A Breath in the Hills


We woke to something of an exception these days - a crisp, calm, bright sunny morning. Rather than paint minis I took the opportunity to have a wander in the glorious sunshine and check the local roads and paths for access/egress. The fields were completey flooded but the roads were passable. I enjoyed just being outdoors.

I've been slowly going a little stir crazy over the past 3 weeks, what with 'Donkey Cough' then the snow and, the continued filthy weather combined effectively keeping me indoors, or office bound during the day when I finally got back to work.

The hills were magnificent in their snowy mantle. Just to the right and out of the picture above, one of the lower hills was largely denuded of snow. From an angle it seemed to have a pattern of snow remaining in gullies and folds that looked something like the Uffington 'White Horse' . Inspiration! I'm going to get an extra 'green' hard backed hill from Mike at The Scene to paint a primitive, pictish style creature on it for my 'Valley of the Fire Dragon' fantasy gaming background.

I think a stylistic version of this Pictish Wolf or perhaps even a Viking Boar symbol would be interesting. Must get Khurasan's Norse next month plus's Fire Giant as a Conanesque Frost Giant for Age of Might & Steel battles.


Saturday, 16 January 2010

Life Work The Universe...... Whoops! Apocalypse - Almost

My project plan for painting this week left out one very important factor - our Wedding Anniversary! Managed to avert an 'Apocalypse' through a candlelit dinner at home Thursday evening and taking Heather to one of our favourite restaurants in Aberdeen last night, followed by the new Sherlock Holmes movie. Apocalypse averted!

Sherlock Holmes was brilliant! Whoever cast Robert Downey Jnr and Jude Law as Holmes and Watson deserves an oscar! They are dynamite - a real force majeure on the screen.

Never mind the plot, revel in the film. Downey's reinvention of Holmes is magnificent, more visceral than most film and TV interpretations and in some respects closer to my own imagining of Conan Doyle's anti-hero. It's a smart, intelligent and fun movie. The cinematography is sumptuous and Heather, being a student of Henry Mayhew and Victorian London was immersed in Guy Ritchie's vision of London.

My fear had been that the movie would be some kind of League of Ordinary Gentlemen steam punk Victorian fantasy world, but it's not - no wild coach chases, leather coated submachine-gunners, unfeasible submarines or ludicrous rope swinging. Just good honest victoriana "apples and pears", "bless u guv'nor" rollicking action, where a man is armed with no more than sharp wits and a stout cane!

The film belts along at a cracking speed and there quite simply isn't a dull moment. We both really enjoyed it and look forward to watching Sherlock Holmes again on DVD!

We got home after midnight. On the doormat was a parcel from Khurasan Miniatures with my Felids and Mantis Stalkers! Great end to an evening.... Oh, these Mantis are very, very nice. I'm tempted to paint them today and will definitely include more in my next order from Jon. I'll do a quick review later if the power/internet hold out....

.....As we are being beaten by hurricane force winds and torrential rain since the early hours of the morning. The river has burst once again and cut us off. Power comes and goes and so does the phone/internet. Most disappointingly our palm trees, which we love for being so eclectic on the edge of the Grampian Mountains National Park, have taken a beating and snapped. I've been out and there's nothing we can do.

Have a great weekend yourselves!


If you don't hear from me for a couple of days - the power and or phones will be down.

Thursday, 14 January 2010


Tonight, a preview of a few of Khurasan's upcoming range of human resistance fighters.

These miniatures represent insurgents of the resistance movement on Sepulveda 7, who are engaged in an unequal underground struggle against evil galactic overlord Jellina Jol, a pelagic invasion, and finally a space demon infestation!

Khurasan Miniatures 15mm Resistance Fighters

These are three of the basic human resistance fighters in the range, the figure on the right is female. You can imagine these minis in roles beyond a Sci Fi setting such as Modern, Near Future, Zombie and Post Apoc settings. Definitely perfect Ambush Alley fodder!

Available soon from:


Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Name That Alien!

This is your chance to gain a little wargaming kudos. Dropship Horizon is giving you the opportunity to officially name the alien races in the new packs of Mercenaries from Critical Mass Games.

The Tangos

The Mangos

The Blockheads

The Hissers

I've given each photo an Imperial Intelligence, Section 8 codename for ease of identification. All you have to do is come up with a unique name for the race of aliens represented by that codename.

You can name one or more packs. Up to you. To make things more fun, tells us:

1) Name of the alien race
2) Their planet of origin
3) They're Mercs - who is their patron and what is their mission.

Post your answers as comments below. Closing date is Friday 22nd Jan, 2010. Good luck and have fun!


Earth Force Marines - Class!

My mantra for 2009 was "You can never have enough Earth Force Marines". I probably have sufficient to keep me busy for another 6 months, especially as I don't have none of that there fancy 'dip' and have to paint them the old fashioned way..... with a lick of spit and a Sable Premier P33 size '0'.

My favourite brush is, well, was.... an Airfix No. '6'. No, don't laugh! It may have had the Tommy Cooper of pedigrees as far as brushes go, but it had a fine tip was a sterling perfomer for over a decade. I reasoned that if the job needed a smaller brush in 15mm, I wasn't going to notice the detail anyway.

The brush took a pounding with all these new figures over the past year, and to be honest, I became careless and didn't look after it. Nevertheless it is still playing a useful role as drybrush No.2.

Back to chummy here in the photo. To me, these Earth Force Marines are classic Sci Fi soldiery - and can't get more classic than the 4518th Lift Infantry Regiment, the Duke of Regina's Own Huscarles. I have squads of these Marines basecoated GW Adeptus Battlegrey, mounted on old CDs and perched on any convenient flat space in the study just waiting to be finished.

Little and often.... 6-7 minis an evening, don't push it and enjoy the experience. That's the advice I gave myself and despite the extra effort - really enjoyed painting these minis. More likely to get a platoon finished by the weekend like this than forcing myself to sit in front of 30 miniatures and push my enthusiasm to get them done in 48 hours.


Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Critical Mass Games - New Mercs On The Block

There's more alien scum heading for the streets and bars of Mudd Eisley......

These greens are very much WIP and so new that Craig and Dale haven't had a chance to name the different aliens.... so to celebrate a year of blogging, Dropship Horizon is giving you the opportunity to:


"Look, do the right thing. Give yerself a break, gain a little immortality even. It's not snitchin'. We knows they's Mercs. All we are askin' is that you tell us who these fellas are and where they came from. That's not too much to ask...."

More details tomorrow night - Critical Mass Games have a busy release schedule throughout the Spring. Craig can't set any promises but is confident the new Mercs will be out before June.


INCOMING!.......Battle of Mt Hilinabox, After Action Report


"Yes, well Mellisa, I started Dropship Horizon a year ago today. 365 posts later....."


Imperial Military Sources are have announced the succesful capture of Mt Hilinabox - the major defensive feature overlooking Occupied Port Johnson on Campo 592.

Mt HBX as it has become known, divided the front in two. Heavily cratered McMinsey plateau to the West and the open grassland of the Flymoh District to the East - to the North lay Port Johnson. HBX has been held by Sword World Rifle units for many months as Imperial Ground Forces built up to attack. In the early hours of this morning, conducting a night assault, a four platoon strong company of Imperial Aslan attacked HBX, proceeded by a swift track mortar barrage which weakened the advance enemy positions.

No.s 1 and 2 platoons then shot in 3 and 4 who, led by Clan Sgt Maj G'ngr Moghi overran the Sword Worlders. The Aslan then came under fire from other Sword Worlders dug into a saddle in the middle of HBX. These were then fired at, pinned down and assaulted by No.3 and 4 platoons, the CSM again leading the way and putting the enemy to flight.

Sworld World command was slow to respond - concerned this was a feint - but local reinforcements now reached the crest of HBX and put 3 and 4 platoons under fire. Seemingly unable to pin the enemy by fire, CSM Moghi led repeated close assaults on the flanks of the Sword Worlders all of which were repulsed and casulaties rose - the attack was stalled.

Meanwhile No.s 1 and 2 platoons had moved up and began firing on the Sword Worlders on top of HBX. On the right, 4 platoon could just make out Port Johnson in the early light! The enemy was, in part, pinned by fire and No.3 supported by No.1 platoon charged; they were repulsed and 3 platoon forced out of action. Another assault drove home, leaving one Sworld World position blocking HBX.

A furious volume of fire was put out by the Aslan, pinning the Sworld Worlders, CSM Moghi led the way again, No. 2 platoon attacking while 1 struck the flank. Still the Sworld Worlders held but a final burst of fire from 4 platoon added to their plight and yet another fang, claw, sword and bayonet charge by the Aslan did the job.

With HBX cleared, Imperial units dominated Port Johnson and the Sword Worlders formally sought terms. Campo 592 has been recovered for the Imperium!



Game Notes:

Played with ASQL2.0

Aslan - 4 units of 4 bases of Regular Infantry with aiming devices, Moghi, ferocious warrior character. The Aslan Light Armour never showed up because........err, forgot to roll for it.

Sword Worlders - 2 coy.s of 4 units with 4 bases each, of which 3 were withheld by Command (hah) and 1 positioned in the Port, giving fire support to HBX.

So it boiled down to 50/50 with the terrain (bad going, rocky) giving lots of problems for shooting.

OK, so it was really one of the Mountain Battles from the Falklands Conflict with Aslan as the Brits, but as a test of the rules it stood up well - it was a nail biter at the end as if either side lost another base it was game over and the Aslan had one unit (No.4 platoon) on two hits...... CSM Moghi has been deemed to have rolled a 12 on his decoration roll, BTW!

CSM Moghi
Felix, Whiskas & Bar

Mark &
Master Chef

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