Saturday, 25 July 2009

PREVIEW: Khurasan Miniatures 15mm MANTIS MEN

I have a pack of 5 Spearbearer samples from Khurasan Miniatures to share with you. These Spearbearers are just one terrestrial sub-sentient species of arachnoids used by the Dominate as bioweapons. They are unleashed by the thousand on the enemy ahead of the main assault using drop pods, to cause confusion, soak up enemy firepower and force him to commit reserves.

The best way I can begin to describe these bipedal insectoid miniatures is to call them Mantis Men, principally because their 'arms' have a superficial resemblence of the Spearbearer's arms to the front fibia and tibia of a Mantid.

Overall they are very humanoid in appearance. Perhaps too much for some tastes. Of the five miniatures, three are in standing poses and two lurching. They have spiney shoulders and elbows, googly bug eyes set on the front of their head, on top of which is a cone that I take to be a horn or stinger, with a double wing case on their back.

I think they will reward careful painting and could be used in plenty of Sci Fi, VSF and Apocalyptic/Mutant backgrounds. Personally, I'm tempted to use these Mantis Men as some kind of organic eco lifeform on a jungle or swamp planet.

Jon intends to release them shortly at which time he has given me permission to post photos. Jon plans drop pods to accompany the miniatures and I believe John Bear Ross is scuplting them as having landed with doors open. Can't wait to see them!



  1. Sounds like they are going to be a really interesting range! Alas the website is down!

  2. Try again L.B., I don't thin the link copied across. I've just created it and the website is fine.


  3. Its working fine now!

    Cant wait to see some pics of these fellows!

  4. Hmmm..two curious new 15mm alien races. Can't wait!

