Friday 23 June 2017

Gorilla Animech Now Available From Rebel Minis

The Gorilla Animech from Rebel Minis is now available for sale.

This big brute can be found here, at this link...

Here are some assembled pics.

The Gorilla Animech is a pretty technical build, but there is an assembly guide in downloadable PDF form that will be provided at checkout.



Thursday 15 June 2017

The Ion Age - New Shia Khan Vehicles

The Ion Age makes all of its releases for the month with the first two 15mm scale Shia Khan Empire armoured vehicles for you to use with IAB03 The Khanate Return in your games of Patrol Angis. Place your order and get your Pugnus Light Tank and or your Manus APC both alien and superbly different styled resin and white metal wheeled vehicles. Every order gets Reward Points on your account and you get IMP46 Female Retained Knight Errant (worth 1.00GBP) free included and remember we have 25% off the IAF057 Knight Errants of Prydia character pack this month. Read on for more or head for the website HERE now.

“The last town in the Glover Agri Zone was taken by four lances of the 23rd Regiment who came up against something not yet seen. Armoured vehicles designated Pugnus type light tanks. One of these alien creations was blown apart by rounds from a Bodkin Type 6 rifle, its 28mm explosive penetrator shells punching through the deep red armour of the tank. Another killed half a lance of Knights with its triple Jupiter 46mm plasma mounts before it was stopped. With a Pugnus destroyed, the only other aliens to be found were three short and stout power armoured Legionaries who appeared to be engineers of some kind. Despite best efforts none of the three were taken alive instead they chose to open fire with Maia 9.6mm Mpi. It took only a day for the agriculture zone to be back in the hands of Humanity. It was a fine beginning. Food and more would now flow from the zone to the army and civilians had been saved and a new chapter for the Sigil was begun. Glover would be a place from which to meet the aliens and drive on further. The 23rd Regiment of Prydia was joined by the 207th Muster Regiment and armoured platoons from the 96th Regiment. A combined arms force of nearly ten thousand troops which was going to set out from Glover to meet the Shia Khan Legion which was advancing north from the Chivers Zone."

The enemy force had been designated the Styx Legion in the established manner of fighting the oldest foe of mankind. With purpose in their hearts the Knights and their Muster of the Prydian Army boarded their transport vehicles and their repulsar platforms and struck forth into the next battle.” - From The Khanate Return.

There are many images from all angles along with comparison scale shots and parts pictures all on the web page for each vehicle and they are too many to show here. Please continue through to see them all.

IAF136 Pugnus Light Tank
The primary armoured vehicle of the Camarthen system in service of the Legions is a modular wheeled hull which is adapted to different uses. The most common of these the Pugnus is a light tank which has two side pods, each mounting twin Juno Lasers or Jupiter Plasma Cannons giving it the ability to support infantry and to take on enemy vehicles of light to medium types. It is deployed in threes alongside Legion Tesserans which lack mobility and heavier firepower. The Pugnus is about 50mm tall and 50mm wide when it is assembled. This pack contains the following 15mm scale resin and white metal parts which can be seen in the mono image on the page: A centre hull, a right hull, a left hull, two Wheels and two Triple Jupiter Plasma Weapon mounts. This kit is easy to assemble. 7.00GBP Go HERE.

IAF137 Manus Armoured Personnel Carrier (APC)
The primary armoured vehicle of the Camarthen system in service of the Legions is a modular wheeled hull which is adapted to different uses. Adapted for use as a personnel carrier the Manus variant can take two entire Tesserans of Legionaries to where they wish to go and support them while there. Carrying them within its central wheels in stabilised comfort. The Manus is about 50mm tall and 65mm wide when it is assembled. This pack contains the following 15mm scale resin and white metal parts which can be seen in the mono image on the page: A centre hull, a right hull, a left hull, two Wheels, a 'rear end' personnel carrier assembly of four pieces and two Twin Juno Laser Weapon mounts. This kit is easy to assemble. 10.00GBP Go HERE.

Later this month the scenario for Patrol Angis set in the second Camarthen campaign called 'Once more to Grapple' will be published for free on The Ion Age Blog. This scenario makes use of all three titles in the series and sees the Prydian Army take on the Khanate including Pugnus and Manus vehicles as well as this month's free miniature as a character called Briona Sullivan of the Barony of Messena. It is a large scenario and is being play tested now. You can see a picture (one of many which will be included) above. The scenario picks up where the story in The Khanate Return left off in the Glover Agri Zone where Baron Heraldus Falkner has been given the task of taking the zone back from the aliens. A veteran of two campaign including against the Gryre the Baron is aided by nobles and errants who have pledged themselves to the quest of Camarthen. 

For more on the free miniature for the month and for our offer this month and our Reward Points system please refer to this post on our blog HERE.

Enjoy these fantastic new alien vehicles and there are more to follow along with a big expansion of the Shia Khan Empire's troops as well. All in 2017.

Thanks for Reading,


Monday 12 June 2017

Brigade Models - Vombat Terminator

Not sure how I missed this one but this is a really nice vehicle and a great addition to the collection from Brigade Models.  

It’s based on the hull of our recently released 15mm Vombat tank, but features a new turret fitted with four missile tubes and two tri-barrel gatlings as the ultimate urban combat vehicle – and of course it still has the infantry compartment carrying four elite Neo-Soviet Guards. The inspiration for this is the real-life Russian BMPT armoured fighting vehicle, nicknamed the ‘Terminator’ – so we borrowed this moniker as well, resulting in the Vombat Terminator. It’ll be available singly or in a platoon pack of three vehicles with 12 Guards infantry.

SF15-1211a – Vombat Terminator – £9.00
SF15-1274 – Guards Terminator Platoon – £30.00

The Ion Age - The Red Dragon Company by Mark Burgess

It is my great fortune to be able to share with you the 'Red Dragons' collection and force for use in Patrol Angis which belongs to long term IonFan Mr Mark Burgess. A mercenary formation of infantry, heavy infantry, bikes, battlesuits and vehicles of some four Lances (or platoons). Here follows a short account of the Red Dragons as well as a link to download their pre-filled rosters for use in the game and also some really nice images of the collection too. 

Enjoy and thank you Mark! GBS

The origins of the Red Dragon Company goes back to the war against Baron Reff

When Baron Bradshaw Reff rebelled against King Cyon III and the Council of Addans in 4302 IC, Baron Culhwch of Caledfwlch answered the call to arms from the King. Personally leading the bulk of his army, comprising of both Retained and Muster, he left his home world in the care of his brother Bedwyr.

Culhwch and Bedwyr had never been close. While Culhwch was a natural leader Bedwyr was selfish and cruel; this often caused tension and fighting between them as they grew up. When their father died he granted them joint rule over Caledfwlch in an attempt to bring them together. This however ultimately had the opposite effect. Resentment had been gnawing at Bedwyr's heart he thought himself the only rightful ruler of Caledfwlch and no longer would he share with his brother.

When Baron Culhwch returned home after the death of the King he found much had changed in the years he had been away. Bedwyr had raised his own army and bolstered the fortifications around the planet. As his fleet approached Caledfwlch, without warning, the orbital defences opened fire. Unprepared his fleet lost three frigates before they could raise their own defences with many other ships in his fleet badly damaged as well. After the initial shock of the assault abated, Culhwch, normally a quiet and reserved leader flew into a wild rage. He vowed to crush his brother and all who served him, for this betrayal. Once awoken the fire-power of his remaining fleet made short work of the orbital defences. Then he unleashed all of his forces to the ground assault of the capitol. He was taking the battle straight to his brother.

The battle was short and bloody with campaign veterans against Bedwyr's untried Planetary Militia and Muster. Such was the rage of Culhwch and his forces that the Code Gallant was all but forgotten. A grievous crime indeed. Baron Culhwch who personally led a lance, breached Bedwyr's castle defences, cutting down retreating Muster on his rush to face his brother. Bedwyr was found cowering in the reception hall his bodyguards having deserted him. Without a word or a warning the act was carried out. Culhwch strode up to him and cut his head from his body. He then looked around shocked at what he had done, his armour, once yellow, was now red with the blood of his kinsmen. Turning in silence he walked away.

Ashamed at the destruction that he and his brother had caused his homeworld Culhwch left the planet vowing never to step foot there again. He took his forces to a small mining planetoid off Khartuum which his family had owned and settled there. Renaming his company The Red Dragons after the flying beasts on Khartuum and repainting their armour red as a reminder of the day they broke the Code Gallant, they now hire themselves out as a Condot.

If you would like to download the rosters for Patrol Angis for this Condot Company you can do so from our dropbox on this link HERE.

Here are pictures of the Red Dragons force in the elements it appears in the rosters. Click on them to make the images larger. I have added a comment to each photo.

The whole Red Dragons force!

Converted senior officers of the Red Dragons

Four Retained Knights from mixed IAF packs

A Noble leads Retained Knights from IAF codes.

A superb standard from IAF014 and officer from IAFL02

A melee focused demi with IAF057,63 and IAF002

IAF042 Mullo AFV medium vehicles

Mullo's with their infantry cargos

Desteria Demi! IAF009 and IAF010

A Desteria Lance which you can get in IAFP03

Desteria Demi led by Murdo and Guliane!

IAF030 Duxis with Fretan Rail Gun

Fallen Duxis marker!

Duxis Battlesuit with Retained knight kneeling

Snipers from the YOC1 Year One Collection!

IAF081 Taranis Runner Drones

The lord of war. Taranis Tracked Command Tank with its drones. See IAF100.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed what was shared here. You can see more of Mark's miniature adventurers on his BLOG.

Tuesday 6 June 2017

The Ion Age - Condot of the Red Hand Mercenaries by Christian Cuello

It is my pleasure to present an article set in The Ion Age by Christian Cuello all about his Red Hand Mercenaries that make use of the special Rewards Points reward Commander Murdo Taranis Tank (read about that HERE) or see our range of super heavy 15mm tanks HERE. Enjoy the article and well done Christian! GBS

Condot of the Red Hand Mercenaries

Villains. Pirates. Scum. Mercenaries - in every sense of the word. The worst of the opportunistic guns for hire of the Prydian precinct can be found in the ranks of the Red Hand, a mercenary condot under the leadership of the self-appointed Count Roderic of Ispalia XII, one moon of the many planetoids condemned to oblivion by the Civil War that continues to tear the galaxy apart. Now almost totally uninhabitable, the husk of this devastated home-world lives on only as a fragment occupied by the fortress city that provides safe haven for those escaping Prydian authority.

Simply put, the ranks of the Red Hand are filled by criminals, the appellation earned by their inconspicuous attire and reputation. And for this reason there is no shortage of opportunity for employment. A constant stream of envoys vies for the services that the Red Hand provides: perhaps an ambitious Baron seeing to expand their rule, or a usurper seeking to surreptitiously obtain a measure of power for themselves, or a merchant seeking protection while undertaking dubious transactions on the fringes of inhabited space. And yet, even the most powerful warlords of the galaxy may be surprised to find themselves looking down the barrel of a laser rifle held by a blood-red gauntlet, betrayed at the last moment by a mere matter of credits.

As long as there is conflict in the universe, there will be individuals like Count Roderic who seek to profit from the discord. And should peace be realised, it would be short-lived. For there is no shortage of antagonists - human or otherwise - in this theatre of war.

My forays into the world of the Ion Age is by way of my mercenary force, the Red Hand. It has been an enjoyable experience, and after a bit of muddling about in the early stages (as with any game) it was very easy to get into. Everything is just too good not to paint and play with! The rules lend themselves to creative and scenario driven force composition so I’ve literally picked out the figures that I just thought looked “coolest”. You may recall this post on the Ion Age BLOG a little while ago.

Keeping the paint scheme relatively simple I’ve been able to churn out something close to a mixed infantry and vehicle platoon in game terms. I will probably go into more detail about the platoon in another write-up but I couldn’t pass up an opportunity to get stuck into the Taranis. The king of the battlefield in the Ion Age, I was fortunate enough to receive the special variant available through the reward scheme through the Ion Age store. I can tell you now it was surprisingly easy to work up the points!

The Commander Murdo special variant of the Taranis has two mighty hi-explosive Ron cannons, a rotary Moth 88, and a pintle-mounted machine gun. For the uninitiated: it’s a beast. 

I’d had the model for some time before working myself up to building and painting it, and I wish I’d had it done sooner. The tank comes in six pieces which may require a bit of tidying up. Fortunately the resin it is made from is high quality and is very responsive to cutting, shaving and sanding, so it shouldn’t be a problem for a slightly more than beginner level modeller. Here it is in pieces just after tidying up and before putting it together:

And here it is before a base coat. You’ll notice some space between the tracked sponson and hull. This was fixed with a very small amount of wood putty which sanded down and blends right in to the rest of the model. Here you can see it with a black undercoat:

And here are some progress shots:

At this point I’ve left the tank at a “showroom” condition paint job, but really do want to try my hand at some weathering. I’ve kept the paint scheme relatively simple but it really is a blank canvas for all sorts of camo, battle-damage, and squad markings.

This was a great kit to put together and I’m really looking forward to fielding this in our games.

As the harsh Sun beats down on the surface of Mars (or a planet very like it...since Mars is deep within the heart of the dreaded Imperial Commonweath), final diagnostics on the Taranis are carried out…