Friday 18 November 2016

The Tavshar Archon 15mm Mechas and Bundles Outlined

To be released last weekend in November on the brand new range of 15mm Tavshar Mecha and bundles plus reaction forces for Loud Ninja Games to expand the Yandrassi collection of awesomeness! If you missed the Introduction to the Tavshar Archon Mecha article by Eli Arndt with sketch by Sam Croes have a look and a read. Upon release all of the codes will be HERE on the website. Ain't this just the most lovely 15mm mecha you have seen recently!

"Archons are elite war machines, piloted by Tavshar that have reached the rank of Prime and shown their prowess in battle above other Primes, making them the elite among elites. Archon is not only the name of the mecha but also the new rank of those who pilot them. Each Archon selects its weapon load based on its mission or sometimes the preference of the individual Archon where command edict does not override personal choice. A mix of weapon types is common, allowing Archons operating in force to counter unexpected threats. Archons are most often tasked with providing heavy support to lesser troops alone or in small groups, but may be used as strike teams by themselves."

Above are two shots of IAF036A Tavshar Guardian Archon mecha built in one of its variations and pose and then painted by the legendary Sam Croes. There are six different mecha choices and each has a different weapon load out and is very posable. An advanced level white metal kit which is supplied with a selection of heads to use. When built each stands 55mm to 60mm tall.

Here are all the codes along with their contents and images of parts, assembled version and scale with a 15mm Tavshar Infantry figure:

RAP036A Tavshar Guardian Archon
This code contains one 15mm scale white metal mecha kit which once assembled stands about 55mm to 60mm tall. Sword and Shield. Useful in many different settings. A real work of miniature art and a complex build which is very posable. All parts shown in the parts image are supplied as well as a 50mm round base. The parts image shows assembly guide but posing is up to you. Note FOUR head options are supplied and you can choose which one you use. Pictured is a Tavshar Warrior (16mm tall) for scale. 20.00GBP per kit.

RAP036B Tavshar Starslayer Archon
This code contains one 15mm scale white metal mecha kit which once assembled stands about 55mm to 60mm tall. Two Handed Singularity Lance. Useful in many different settings. A real work of miniature art and a complex build which is very posable. All parts shown in the parts image are supplied as well as a 50mm round base. The parts image shows assembly guide but posing is up to you. Note FOUR head options are supplied and you can choose which one you use. Pictured is a Tavshar Warrior (16mm tall) for scale. 20.00GBP per kit.

RAP036C Tavshar Battler Archon
This code contains one 15mm scale white metal mecha kit which once assembled stands about 55mm to 60mm tall. Shredder Cannon. Useful in many different settings. A real work of miniature art and a complex build which is very posable. All parts shown in the parts image are supplied as well as a 50mm round base. The parts image shows assembly guide but posing is up to you. Note FOUR head options are supplied and you can choose which one you use. Pictured is a Tavshar Warrior (16mm tall) for scale. 20.00GBP per kit.

RAP036D Tavshar Hell Rain Archon
This code contains one 15mm scale white metal mecha kit which once assembled stands about 55mm to 60mm tall. Two Handed Ripper Cannon. Useful in many different settings. A real work of miniature art and a complex build which is very posable. All parts shown in the parts image are supplied as well as a 50mm round base. The parts image shows assembly guide but posing is up to you. Note FOUR head options are supplied and you can choose which one you use. Pictured is a Tavshar Warrior (16mm tall) for scale. 20.00GBP per kit.

RAP036E Tavshar Trooper Archon
This code contains one 15mm scale white metal mecha kit which once assembled stands about 55mm to 60mm tall. Plasma Cannon. Useful in many different settings. A real work of miniature art and a complex build which is very posable. All parts shown in the parts image are supplied as well as a 50mm round base. The parts image shows assembly guide but posing is up to you. Note FOUR head options are supplied and you can choose which one you use. Pictured is a Tavshar Warrior (16mm tall) for scale. 20.00GBP per kit.

RAP036F Tavshar Firestorm Archon
This code contains one 15mm scale white metal mecha kit which once assembled stands about 55mm to 60mm tall. Arm and Shoulder Missile Pods. Useful in many different settings. A real work of miniature art and a complex build which is very posable. All parts shown in the parts image are supplied as well as a 50mm round base. The parts image shows assembly guide but posing is up to you. Note FOUR head options are supplied and you can choose which one you use. Pictured is a Tavshar Warrior (16mm tall) for scale. 20.00GBP per kit.

We also have a superb value bundle of Archons giving you one free saving 20.00GBP plus two Reaction Forces getting you a force on the table. See them at Loud Ninja Games page HERE upon release and details follow below.

RAP036P Tavshar Archon Full Set - Get One Free! Free Shipping!
This Bundle Gives you one of each of the six different Kits (RAP036A to RAP036F). You pay for five and you get the sixth free! Also free shipping on this bundle too! This code contains six different 15mm scale white metal mecha kits which once assembled stands about 55mm to 60mm tall. Useful in many different settings. Real works of miniature art and a complex build which is very posable. All parts shown in the parts image are supplied as well as a 50mm round bases. The parts image shows assembly guide but posing is up to you. Note FOUR head options are supplied with each mecha and you can choose which one you use. We picked one at random. See parts images. All miniatures are supplied unpainted and unassembled. Note that images depicting miniatures and codes other than those in this code are for reference and scale only and are not included. Pictured is a Tavshar Warrior (16mm tall) for scale. Price 100.00GBP (Saving 20.00GBP and getting free worldwide shipping).

RAP036R1 Tavshar Archon Reaction Force 1
This Reaction Force gives you three Archons along with Yandrassi Infantry with a 10% saving.

This code contains three different 15mm scale white metal mecha kits which once assembled stands about 55mm to 60mm tall as well as three Gun Skimmers and nineteen infantry. All parts shown in the parts image are supplied as well as a 50mm round bases. Note FOUR head options are supplied and you can choose which one you use. We picked one at random. See parts images. Here are the code contents: RAP036A Tavshar ' Guardian ' Archon (Sword and Shield), RAP036B Tavshar ' Starslayer' Archon (Singularity Lance), RAP036C Tavshar ' Battler ' Archon (Shredder Cannon), RAP020 Tavshar Infantry (4) x 4, RAP022 Tavshar Officers (2) x 1, RAP024 Tavshar Prime (1) x 1, RAP022 Tavshar Gun Skimmer (1) x 3. All miniatures are supplied unpainted and unassembled. Price 71.10GBP (Saving 10% from 79.00GBP).

RAP036R2 Tavshar Archon Reaction Force 2
This Reaction Force gives you three Archons along with Yandrassi Infantry with a 10% saving.

This code contains three different 15mm scale white metal mecha kits which once assembled stands about 55mm to 60mm tall as well as thirty two infantry. All parts shown in the parts image are supplied as well as a 50mm round bases. Note FOUR head options are supplied and you can choose which one you use. We picked one at random. See parts images. Here are the code contents: RAP036D Tavshar ' Hell Rain ' Archon (Heavy Ripper Cannon), RAP036E Tavshar ' Trooper' Archon (Plasma Cannon), RAP036F Tavshar ' Firestorm' Archon (Missile Pods), RAP019 Neek Infantry (5) x 4, RAP021 Horgosi Squad (5) x 2, RAP025 Horgosi Prime (1) x 1, RAP026 Horgosi Beserker (1) x 1. All miniatures are supplied unpainted and unassembled. Price 75.60GBP (Saving 10% from 84.00GBP).

The Archons are a superb addition to any alien 15mm sci-fi collection and they also work as 28mm battlesuits as well in any suitable system.

Thanks for Reading,


Tuesday 15 November 2016

End of Year Sale at Ravenstar Studios

Its that time of the year, Our END OF THE YEAR SALE... and this will be the biggest ever.

Starting November 15th until the 20th, for 5 days you will get 40% off all purchases.
Starting November 21st until the 25th , you will get 35% off and then from
November 26th until Nov 30th you will receive 30% off. 

YES, it's unbelievable but true...

Plus, yes more, all orders will receive free models, the more you buy the more you get. If you order more than once you still get free models for that order too. 

So use this code EOYSALE when you check out and you enjoy all the stuff that will keep you busy for a life time, or until you wife asks you to take out the trash... Qapla!

Image result for Landcore miniatures

Image result for Landcore miniatures

Image result for Landcore miniatures

Friday 11 November 2016

Sigma Event 2177 Kickstarter from ClearHorizon Minis Relaunches!

JBR, here.

Mr. Harold Crossley, of the Southern California Crossleys and ClearHorizon Miniatures, is relaunching his Kickstarter effort for the Sigma Event 2177

After some feedback and requests, Harold decided to relaunch with new options built-in from the get-go.

Here's the link.

It's a minis-packed starter set that offers opposed forces, starter rules, and optional terrain.  Great stuff.

Here are some of the beautiful sculpts...

Full Disclosure: I'm a backer.  Things like this are what 15mm Sci Fi needs:  Turnkey box sets with minis, rules, and room to grow.

For more from Harold's company, ClearHorizon Miniatures, click here.



Loud Ninja Games - An Introduction to the Tavshar Archon 15mm Mechas

Loud Ninja Games will be releasing in late November though brand new codes at the core of which are the fantastic Tavshar Archon mecha in 15mm scale. This article by Eli Arndt gives you an introduction to the concepts and story behind the mecha and how they came to be. The sketching here was done by Sam Croes who is a big fan of LNG and who has also painted up an Archon too. See Loud Ninja Games HERE. Take it from here Eli...

The Story of the Archon
The Yan’drassi (YD) Archon mecha started out as an idea for how to add some heavy firepower to the existing YD range. So far, the range includes several infantry option and a light vehicle that has some firepower but not enough to take the fight to an opponent’s medium to heavy vehicle. While tanks and other vehicles are definitely in the realm of possibility for the YD, I felt the first release since the Kickstarter really needed to make a statement and mecha certainly make a statement.

For the design, I contacted sculptor Sean Bullough who had sculpted the original Yan’drassi range and who I knew was a huge anime and mecha fan with a broad frame of reference for the genre and various design aesthetics. I had seen his work with ClearHorizon miniatures first Kickstarter and the great work he had done on their mecha design and so I was confident in his ability to deliver a quality model. 

This is one of the first projects I have done where there was no concept art. Sean and I talked about design elements I wanted and drew mostly from references drawn from other existing mecha. The process was a lot of back and forth with me giving some design points and sending and image and Sean sending me his own thoughts and additional reference ideas. Sean has a vast collection of mecha pictures that he was able to draw from so we quickly found our stride in design process. For me, the key was to make a design that looked like it fit in with the existing Yan’drassi aesthetic. This meant rounded shapes. As the Archons are piloted be the YD’s elites, the Tavshar, I also wanted the Archon to resemble the Tavshar Primes. This second element meant making them look like a warrior’s armour as much as a battle ready machine. 

For weapons, I wanted the Archon to have a good number of choices. I wanted all versions of the Archon to have missile support so a pair of vertical launch missiles pods was added. The original three weapon options were a basic Shredder rifle, a sword/shield combo and the powerful, lance-like Singularity Cannon capable of launching micro black holes across the battlefield. After these the model had been molded and Gavin and I started talking about release plans, it was decided to add an additional three weapon options to the Archon to provide greater depth and variety to the design. These new parts were designed by Sam Croes and would include a new more powerful Plasma Rifle, a missile launcher version with several add-on missile pods, and a massive Ripper Cannon with an attached combat blade. This brought the total options to six, making the Archon a versatile and unpredictable opponent. There are six different Archon mecha single codes.

The final model does including a lot of individual parts, regardless of which weapon configuration you choose. This was a by product of trying to minimize the number of individual parts that needed to be made, allowing us to then re-use many parts by making the model mostly poseable. This makes the Archon a more advanced model and one that will take a bit of attention with a fantastic reward.

So, where does the Archon fit into the Yan’drassi force structure?
Archons are elite war machines, piloted by Tavshar that have reached the rank of Prime and shown their prowess in battle above other Primes, making them the elite among elites. Archon is not only the name of the mecha but also the new rank of those who pilot them. Each Archon selects its weapon load based on its mission or sometimes the preference of the individual Archon where command edict does not override personal choice. A mix of weapon types is common, allowing Archons operating in force to counter unexpected threats. Archons are most often tasked with providing heavy support to lesser troops alone or in small groups, but may be used as strike teams by themselves. 

For general combat Shredder Guns and Plasma Cannons, supported by Heavy Ripper Guns are the most effective, combining withering fire with powerful long-range plasma fire. For heavier targets Singularity Cannons and Missiles are best. On the rare occasions, where assault in necessary, there is nothing better than the combination of a powered blade and shield for wading into enemy formations. 

We hope you enjoyed this read and you can find Loud Ninja Games range HERE. There will be one more big article on the Tavshar Archons which will show you all the codes, the poses, the bundles and reaction forces which are being released late November.

Thanks for Reading,


Thursday 10 November 2016

The Ion Age - IAF126 Burgeon Grav Bike 15mm pack and bundles released!

The Ion Age is delighted to make our only new release for November with the final code featured in Patrol Angis which needed new miniatures in play. The IAF126 Burgeon Grav Bike gives your Retained Knights the fast mobility they want on the battlefields of the Prydian Precinct. We have the pack which contains a bike with rider, bike on its own and rider on foot and you can also choose the normal three packs with a saving plus single poses from the pack too. On top of this we have two bundles now on the website one for this new anti-gravity bike and the other on the IAF128 Afara Strider mecha kits. Go HERE or read on for more.

Among the ranks of the Retained Knights you will find the Burgeon. These knights are as adamant about the Code Gallant as any other but they take upon themselves an additional vow of loyalty that is beyond the duty of any others. For the Burgeon are the masters of the steeds. They are the riders of an animal which has no heart or legs but rather instead has an engine and thrusters which beat with as much if not more power than any creature's could. The Burgeon ride into battle upon the semi-sentient Ventus Model 201 Steed which is a unique type of repulsar bike.

The Ventus is the creation of the foundation days of New Glastonbury and the relic seeking adventures into the now legendary Tor which orbits that golden hue planet. Those first seekers of what would become the seat of the Council of the Addan found many treasures and clues which set them on a path towards bringing peace and stability to a bleeding precinct. Among those treasures were bronze coloured boxes none of which were as large as a human head and which seemed inert and indeed solid. However a chance event led to a fantastic discovery. These boxes were alive! Not life in the way of biology but rather a life of bare sentience like an infant awaiting lessons in all things needed for adulthood. Named Ventus after their love of movement the boxes took to a possessor in a way never seen before. Once a person had held a box for more than a few hours and had spoken to it the Ventus became bonded to them and would accept the voice of no other. It emerged that the Ventus was only semi-sentient as it could learn only that which it was taught by its owner and never had ideas or notions of its own.

A robotic companion and that was the way it would have stayed except for another discovery which was that if you linked a Ventus into a machine it could control that machine no matter what its size or complexity or purpose. As a result Ventus were given to ship masters and to Knight Errants as well as to Nobles who were willing to pay a great deal of coin for them. There is a cavern somewhere within the New Glastonbury Tor in which new Ventus are created by the command of the robed guardians of the ancient rock. It is a mark of great honour and within the Code to be called to the Chamber of the Ventus to receive a blank minded box and for your voice to be the first it hears. As with a great deal of the Tor it is beyond the knowledge of the Prydian Precinct the manner in which Ventus are created as they seem to literally materialise out of thin air.

From those beginnings the bronze boxes have spread just as the Code has spread. Ventus operated starships equipped with Ancep Drive at the word of their master and were integrated into Alwite powered armour as system securing companions. The greatest success though came with the development of the Steed. A body for the Ventus to sit amid and operate for a Retained Knight of the Burgeon who rode upon it. As a result each Ventus Model 201 Steed became the greatest friend to its knightly master and meant a speed and responsiveness beyond what any mortal man could hope to match as well as a loyalty no mere machine could emulate. The death of a Burgeon leaves a Ventus with no master and means that it must be removed and destroyed for its own sake while the destruction of a Ventus can leave a knight grief stricken as with the loss of a dear family member.
Academy Auto-Trainer Series 02, New Glastonbury, 4308 IC

IAF126 Burgeon Grav Bike Pack
We are super happy to release the next bike code for the Ion Age 15mm Range. Following on from the IAF028 Khamel Tracked Bike we have the Retained riders of the semi-sentient steed the Ventus. A sleek and speedy vehicle. This code contains three white metal miniatures which are the Bike with Retained Rider, Bike with no rider and Retained bike rider on foot. This means you can field your anti-gravity bikes with great flexibility and three different modes. The bike comes with a separate Valerin 9Mw Laser which can be left off or mounted on the front of the bike. As always this code can be bought as a pack or as single miniatures or select the three packs and save 10% option on the page. Go HERE. Price 5.00GBP per pack. 

Burgeon Anti-Gravity Bike Bundles
We know that many IonFans have been awaiting the arrival of the new bike and so we have created a great bundle offer. There are three bundles one upon each of the following. Ten Bikes with Rider, Ten Bikes with no Rider and Ten Riders on Foot. Each bundle gives you 20% off single purchase price and allows the creation of a large force with a mighty saving. Go HERE and use the drop down menu to choose your bundle.

Afara Strider mecha Bundle
Earlier this year we released our first light mecha kit the IAF128 Afara Strider in three different variants. Easy to assemble and to convert it has proven a firm favourite this season and while we offer it HERE with single and buy all three and save 10% we have placed on to the website by IonFan's request the Mega Bundle! The mega bundle contains ten mecha kits which is three of each variant plus one more randomly included. You get 20% off the single price and free worldwide shipping on this bundle. Go HERE.

Information Burst! 
This month's free miniature is a superb character robot the Grim Reaperbot. Standing 16mm to the eye line it is a titanium skeleton with cloak and scythe. There is a growing page on the Ion Age website where the current and all former IMP series free miniatures are shown so that you can see what came before. Enjoy looking at what came before. Now online IMPS02 Spooky Set which has all four Halloween themed miniatures in one code. We have now made our releases for the month. We will also have an article with a fright theme about a Prydian Precinct faction plus the last Friday of November will see us join up with Alternative Armies and to make our four day Black Friday offer. This is a super offer and we will tell all one week before it goes live. 

Lastly we have a new monthly special...this time on our great Duxis Battlesuit favoured by Retained Knights. 25% off all variants of this modular battlesuit including five different ranged weapons and three melee versions. Enjoy!

Thanks for Reading,


Tuesday 8 November 2016

Rebel Minis Animech Kickstarter Launches, Funds In Four Hours

Hello, folks.  JBR here with a special self-serving announcement on behalf of Rebel Minis.

Rebel Mike and I have been working to bring our 15mm Animal Mechs to Kickstarter
Sunday the 6th was launch day.
The project funded in four hours, and broke two stretch goals on the same day.

Now, our lethal and lovely Mayan Technomancer beseeches you to come in for the big win.

Here's the link.

And here's some art, and pics of painted pre-production samples.  Some are shown with a 15mm and 28mm figure, for reference's sake.


Beautiful, eh?

Now for some stretch goals and add-ons.  First and Second Goals have already been met, with the others sure to follow.

You can also boost your pledge with some discounted figures, either 15mm or 28mm.  Just add the sums in the images to your pledge.

Thanks for your support from Rebel Minis!

Mike Renegar

John Bear Ross