Tuesday 31 December 2013

15mm.co.uk - New Rim Mercenaries

By Eli

The gents at 15mm.co.uk have been at it again...

HOF103 Rim Mercenaries II
This pack contains ten white metal 15mm scale miniatures in a mix of three different poses. Supplied Unpainted and without Bases.  Save 15% off list price until 8th January 2014 on the website.  HERE.
The outer edge of Human Space is a dangerous place filled with planetary brush wars, raiders and alien menace. Sometimes your local governor just has to bite the bullet and call in the mercenaries. Tough and capable and paid by the day these fellow will keep you safe for a price.

Added to our existing HOF54 Rim Mercenaries, HOF82 Rim Mercenaries Patrol and HOF83 Rim Mercenary Support is our fourth pack in this part of the HOF Range. These mix ideally with the other packs for a varied force of a low to medium future tech level.

More info - HERE!

Saturday 21 December 2013

A Note on Re-posted Content

By Eli

Hey folks,

I just wanted to chime in real quick and address something that may not be a problem, but I certainly would hate to become one.

As announced earlier, Dropship Horizon will now be hosting posts taken from other blogs. We are doing this by the good graces and cooperation of the original posting bloggers and I'd like to make sure they get credit where it is due. To make sure this happens, please note the by line following the title of these posts. The crew and I started doing this with our own posts a bit ago, but with these shared posts it becomes even more particular because the posts will show as "authored" by DSH crewmen, even though they were taken from other blogs.

So, just make sure that, when you are giving props to the content of these shared posts, you are throwing it at the right person. 

I sure as heck didn't write all these cool posts :)



Thursday 19 December 2013

Mad Mecha Guy Containers

By Paul
From Mini Metal Mahem

 A few photographs of some of my laser cut MDF crates from Mad Mecha Guy.  These have been painted in the colours of the IMEC mining company who inhabit my fictional sci-fi universe.  I've used a Wilko red emulsion tester (I think it was "flame"!) and drybrushed with desert sand for a slightly dusty, used finish.  These will come in handy for decorating the starport or an industrial site.

Ready to load the truck

An assortment of crate - 3, 6, and 9cm lengths

15mm figures for scale.

The tops of some have been left open

Old toy lorry gets repaint in IMEC colors

IMEC logo stenciled on

Ion Age - Christmas 2013 Releases and Offers Preview

A Look At Things to Come
By Eli

There is no release this week and instead we are giving you an advanced look at the two new releases and the several special offers on existing codes which will feature in our four day Christmas Special next week from 24th to 27th December 2013.  So have a look and then visit us on Christmas Eve to grab these new products and offers before the offer runs out.  There will be full details on our Ion Age Blog next week when the event begins.  Oh, and of course you get a free IMP04 Santa Desteria Miniature in all orders!

Read More - HERE.

Wednesday 18 December 2013

Learning Experiences - Electrical Box Terrain

By Raymond Ford

From Over The Hill Gaming

Editor's Note: You may be wondering, "Eli, why another electrical box terrain piece?" I found this two-part piece to be a very well through out, yet brief look at a hobbyist's first experiences with electrical box terrain. He points out some things some of us might not consider and I know I learned a thing or two.

This is project that got started after doing a little reading on the Internet. The idea is simple – take a blue plastic box normally used for electrical work and modify it to look like a futuristic building suitable for a smaller scale sci-fi game.This article on the Reaper Miniatures site and this post on TMP do a good job of presenting the concept. The boxes and bits were inexpensive and everything looked like it would be within my skill level.

But, as they say, experience is the best teacher.

The first step was getting all the materials. A quick trip to the local Home Depot and a few dollars made me the owner of a couple of promising looking electrical boxes. A few minutes of sorting through my bits boxes yielded enough plastic doodads to provide some additional details like doors. I already had plenty of paints.

There were a few things on the electrical boxes that needed to be removed. Basically, anything that made them look more like electrical boxes and less like buildings. A few minutes work with my trusty Dremel took care of that.

Next was assembly. I washed everything in soap and water and let it all dry completely. Then I sat down to work.

First Point of Failure – Plastic Cement. I decided to use plastic cement since I was assembling plastic bits on plastic bodies. The only exception was a metal bit that I used super glue on. This proved critical awhile later.

After everything was put together, I let everything sit until the next day.

Since I had two electrical boxes, I decided to try two different approaches to painting and see which worked best. The smaller box got sprayed with some Krylon Fusion left over from a home improvement project from last year. The bigger box got hit with some craft store primer left over from one of my wife's projects, also from last year.

Second Point of Failure (Smaller Box) – Spraying on a base coat without primer. I noticed I wasn't getting good coverage on the smaller box. The original colors of the plastic box and bits were showing through the light gray of the spray paint. I applied more paint to correct for this, ultimately spraying down two fairly thick layers. This turned out to be a mistake. The second layer never really set correctly – it was still tacky to the touch after a couple of days. The age of the paint may have also been a factor.

Second Point of Failure (Larger Box) – Cheap primer. I had a much easier time spraying down the primer on the larger box, although multiple thin coats were needed for good coverage. The primer set overnight and was ready for painting. Unfortunately, it didn't do a good job of holding on to the paint. I have some experience with painting large, flat surfaces on miniatures – shields and larger pieces like Warjacks – so I knew the need to thin down the paints and go for multiple thin layers. But the paint refused to flow properly on the surface of the primer. It either pooled or ran down the sides. In any case, the results were unpleasant.

At this point, I had two unusable terrain pieces – one with paint that wouldn't set, the other with paint too ugly to put on the table. Hoping that everything would look better in the morning, I gave up and went to bed.

The next morning revealed even more horror. At some point during the night, one of the boxes was knocked to the floor. (Ah, the joys of letting my wife keep cats around.) As I leaned down to pick up the wayward terrain piece, I noticed that a few of the plastic bits had come off. A little experimenting revealed that the plastic cement had failed to provide a strong bond. I could break the plastic bits off the boxes with little effort. On the other hand, the metal bit I had super glued on refused to budge. These pieces wouldn't have lasted long if they had made it to the table.

Lessons Learned:
  • Both pieces have taken a long soak in a solution of Simple Green and water. The paint and primer came off after a good scrubbing. They need another wash in soap and water to get rid of any residue from the Simple Green, but are otherwise ready for assembly.
  • First Lesson Learned – Assembly. I will be using super glue to assemble everything with time around. The bond is much stronger than plastic cement on this material.
  • Second Lesson Learned – Priming. Both pieces will be primed a dark gray with an auto body primer. The dark color will cover up the original colors of the plastic better. I've also had good results with auto body primer providing a good surface for paints on large, flat surfaces. Multiple layers of thinly applied primer will be used to provide good coverage.
  • Third Lesson Learned – Painting. I'll try a slightly thicker paint mix when I get started. The paint mix I used before didn't seem too thin, but it's best to be sure. It's easier to thin down a paint than thicken it back up, anyway.

This is a fresh start incorporating the lessons learned from my previous attempt.


First Lesson Learned – I used super glue to reassemble the piece this time. Some tugging and a short drop served to test the bonds after the glue set. It should stand up to normal use - place it on the table, remove it from the table, put it in a box, maybe drop it on the way a couple of times - just fine.

Second Lesson Learned – I got out the auto body primer and started spraying. Sandable auto body primer is good stuff - it leaves a surface that holds on well to paint and bonds to plastic, metal, and resin. It took two thin layers to get a good, even coat that covered up the original colors of the plastic.

Third Lesson Learned – A darker color for better coverage seemed like a good idea. I also went back to the tried and true method of paint large, flat surfaces - multiple layers of thinned down paint. The paint dried smoothly.

The end result wasn't bad, but it looked dull and flat. Applying a thinned down dark wash brought out the details, but the piece was still missing something. I highlighted the corners and top with the original base color. Finally, I applied a thinned down brown wash to weather the piece. Small steps like these add character to a piece, but I might have gone overboard with the brown wash.

There is another, larger piece in the wings. I plan on adopting the same techniques to complete it later. For now, I've got some other projects to complete first.

Tile Based 15mm Tunnels

By LittleBrother

From Two Brothers Tales

Okay, so you can't afford a lot of nice resin terrain, have a limited space for storage and playing...what are you going to do to get those little men onto the playing field?  Here is the first set of modular terrain I am making for gaming with my older brother this winter.  It is a set of caverns that will serve double purpose for games of FUBAR and Songs of Blades and Heroes to start with.  Here is the first tile:

The tiles are 12 x 12 and are completely modular.  They can be rotated in any direction and moved around to create different lay-outs.  I started with four tiles, total cost per tile was about $3-4 US and took about an hour to make, not including waiting for things to dry.  I spent about four hours over the course of a weekend to get them to this point:

I am working on some doors for Song, and probably some little holes for critters to crawl out of for FUBAR.  Here is a shot with a 15mm mini from Splintered Light for scale. Thanks for looking!

Friday 13 December 2013

Darkest Star Opens up Pre-Order for 15mm Talin IFV

By Eli

Darkest Star has kicked off its up-scaling of its original 6mm designs with the Talin wheeled IFV. This is a solid near-future design that sports that "just around the corner" look that is very popular in hard sci-fi gaming. A pre-order has been set up so folks can chime in early on this vehicle. 

More info - HERE

Thursday 12 December 2013

Pistols at Ten Paces

New Ion Age Packs and a New Special Monthly Miniature!

The Ion Age is definitely upon us as the stream of new codes grows ever longer. This week we see the release of IAFL03 Retained Pistoliers, a limited edition (500 total) pack of Retained packing twin pistols.


Also being featured is AIAF02 Maligs. While not new, these scruffy looking little greenies make a perfect counterpoint to any bright and shiny force, be they Retained or otherwise. There is even a 10% discount applied to all Malig codes on the site until December 19th.

And lest we forget, there is this month's special miniature. A holiday theme, as it should be, IMP04 Santa Desteria is available this month only and is included free with every Ion Age order. IMP04 Can also be purchased alone.

A lot of new stuff from The Ion Age and all looking very cool. For more information on the items in this post, other Ion Age releases and general Ion Age hobby news and fun, check out there blog - HERE.

Sci-fi All Terrain Vehicle?

By Mark Burgess 

Hi all,

While perusing the toy aisle of a well known supermarket, we all need inspiration from somewhere, my eagle eyes spotted this interesting little gem from Hot Wheels. 


I thought this Max Steel Turbo Racer (pictured below) would make a interesting Sci-fi vehicle. I had no idea who Max Steel was and had to google him!

Once painted to go with my sci-fi army, it made quite a nice buggy/recon vehicle. To give it some offensive capability I added a grenade launcher to the roof.

I am please with how it turned out, I think i'll paint up a couple more of these for some light vehicle support.

Editor's Note - Let me say thank you to Mark for allowing us to pick at his blog for interesting posts that we feel will demonstrate the joys of the 15mm sci-fi hobby. Mark is not the only one to offer up his blog feeds, so you should be seeing interesting material from around the blogaverse coming to roost here.


Wednesday 11 December 2013

Call to Arms

Looking for Hobby Content

By Eli

For some time here, we here in the cockpit have been discussing how to increase the amount of hobby content found here. Dropship Horizon has always been a source of hobby news but it has also been a place for interesting projects, AARs and other hobby related posts. Much of this has diminished over time due to a number of reasons but the net result is that the blog has become, admittedly, a bit stagnate.

To remedy this, we are looking for folks who would like to submit their own articles relevant to the 15mm Sci-fi hobby or who would give us permission to pull content from their blogs, websites and other posts to share on DSH. Any such content would be given a by line and would have links to all included content as well as associated web content (company sites, referenced materials, etc). 

In the end, the goal will be to make this blog as much of a one-stop spot for what's up in the 15mm Sci-fi hobby as possible. It may mean there will be some repetition of content between this and other blogs. This should be fine as for many this is THE blog they visit (or have visited) for this sort of content and would expose them to other content they might normally see. It would also allow this blog to work as a sort of aggregator and focal point to raise overall awareness and interest in the hobby.

So, if you feel you have something everyone should see or would like to volunteer your site as a source of material for this blog, then please comment here and provide a link to your site and any special concerns, requests, or considerations for your inclusion.

Thank you,


Monday 9 December 2013

CyberPunkish Adventures: Khurasan previews PNHE Team

By Harold

Khurasan Miniatures has posted a preview of some great new miniatures over on TMP:

Very pleased to give you a first look at the PNHE teams -- Prohibited Non-Human Enforcement teams who hunt down and eradicate PNHs (aliens who are not SNHs (sanctioned non-humans)) from urban and megurban areas of Core Federal Space.
The teams are made up of "Vyborgs," Vitros who have been machine- and computer- enhanced. (More on the Vitros next year -- entire battalions of Vitros are fielded by the Federal Army.)
As PNHs usually hide out in the seedier areas of Federal Megurbs, PNHE teams dress like urban thugs in order to blend in as they carry out their grim task. As combat is usually up close and personal they are generally armed with very powerful handguns, but usually one marksman with a long weapon is in each team.
I hope to release these before the end of the year but it depends when the production sets are delivered. Well, soon! Also coming are teen post-apoc survivors and downed pilots for mechas or flyers. Plus the usual "lots of other stuff!" Great painting here by sturmhalo!

These would be awesome for all types of games, from Judge Dredd, to Syndicate wars and cyberpunk games.

Hopefully they'll be available soon!

Saturday 7 December 2013

Army in a Can: PMC 2640 Army packs and rules from Assault Publishing

By Harold

From Assault Publishing:

PMC 2640 Cannon Fodder special starters
I’d like to announce an uncommon product: ‘Cannon Fodder’ PMC 2640 starters. They are intended as special gift sets for wargamers and are far from typical, hackneyed X-Mas “we’re going to clear our stock at the end of the year by giving a few percent discount” offers.TotalAll packs include a basic PMC 2640 army and a code allowing you to download the PMC 2640 e-book (alternatively, it might be used to get a discount on the printed version or the printed/pdf bundle). But one thing makes them really differ from other similar products: all sets are packed in real metal cans with specially designed labels, which gives them a really extraordinary appearance!
As a rather uncommon product, they are planned to be prepared only occasionally in very limited amounts. If you are looking for a really original gift for your friend or yourself which would merge a fine ruleset, a nice starting army, and superb packaging, consider the Cannon Fodder packs! But better hurry, as there only a few cans were prepared!

These are some really great starter sets of miniatures, and great for starting your PMC 2640 army or building up an existing army.   It's also great for starting armies for other rulesets, as it's a really good deal.

 The variants are:

Example of some of the miniatures that come in the packs.

For approx $88.00 USD (The postal priority, worldwide shipment is included in the price.) you get:

Cannon Fodder Variant I includes:

  • Two Rifle Teams I (16 models)
  • One LMG team (6 models)
  • One Rocket Armed team (4 models)
  • Engineers (6 models)
  • Light Infantry team (8 models)
  • Apache Mk.1 - heavy patrol vehicle
  • High quality, laser-cut, plactic-acrilic bases set suitable for the miniatures
  • Code allowing downloading PMC 2640 rulebook in pdf (Portable Document Format) format

Cannon Fodder Variant II includes:

  • One Rifle Team 2 (8 models)
  • Two Assault Troop teams (16 models in total)
  • Engineers (6 models)
  • Rangers team (8 models)
  • Tornado Grav Tank - Light Combat vehicle
  • High quality, laser-cut, plactic-acrilic bases set suitable for the miniatures
  • Code allowing downloading PMC 2640 rulebook in pdf (Portable Document Format) format

Cannon Fodder Variant III includes:

  • Two Rifle Teams 2 (16 models in total)
  • Mortar team (4+2 models)
  • Recon team (4 models)
  • Missile-armed team (4 models)
  • Assault Team (8 models)
  • Saber Mk.2 - light transport aircraft
  • High quality, laser-cut, plactic-acrilic bases set suitable for the miniatures
  • Code allowing downloading PMC 2640 rulebook in pdf (Portable Document Format) format
Cannon Fodder Variant IV includes:
  • Two Penal Troops teams 2 (16 models in total)
  • Irregulars team (8 models)
  • Rifle Infantry 2 team (8 models)
  • Engineers team (6 models)
  • AP-Team (6 models)
  • Gila - light patrol vehicle
  • High quality, laser-cut, plactic-acrilic bases set suitable for the miniatures
  • Code allowing downloading PMC 2640 rulebook in pdf (Portable Document Format) format

Friday 6 December 2013

Slipping Through The Gateway

Ion Age Releases Nox Poster and Offer

By Eli

Ion Age has released a second awesome poster. This time it's a brilliant image of a Nox coming through a matter gateway. Printed on high quality poster paper and in brilliant color, this will be a lovely decoration for your game room.

They are not having an Early Supporter Offer this month instead they are having new releases and some super special offers on some codes too.  More on this next week but for the moment they are offering 10% off the Nox miniatures on the website.  So until the 12th December the discount is applied on the page, just add to your cart and yes this is applied on top of the normal 10% off for three pack purchase.

For more details look - HERE.

Tuesday 3 December 2013

You Had the Noodle Dream!

New Terrain From Khurasan Miniatures

By Eli

No, it was no dream, it is really here.

Honestly, this is the terrain bit that I never knew I needed until I saw it. Really this is a superior piece of scenery that has a lot of detail. With a removable roof and full detailed kitchenette, it is every bit as legitimate a piece of wargaming scenery as any building out there. Useful in so many settings and easily a "repeatable" piece I can imagine several variants of this is any sprawl be it post-apocalyptic, distopian future urban or space colony. 

Find it HERE.


And while we are at it check out these awesome new paint jobs on the Sepulvedan Provisional Army (SPA) Regulars in Helmets. The original paint jobs made them look cool, but these make them look amazing. Well worth a second look and a place in any collection. 


These can be found HERE.

Something Wicked From 15mm.co.uk

Flower of Evil
By Eli

A nasty bit of fun kicks off 15mm.co.uk's new line of Eldritch Horror miniatures with EH01 Flower of Evil. While not exactly a scifi miniatures, this nasty manifestation would certainly be at home in some crossover games or as extraterrestrial flora or even fauna. Heck, it could even be an ambassador of an entire star empire.

For more information on this cool new release, head of over - HERE.

Rebel Minis New Releases

By Eli

A quickie this week from Rebel Minis. Mike and his crew have had so many requests for bits of these shields, they have released them as their own code BITZ7 - Riot Shields for 15mm.

While not exactly science fiction, these are the sorts of bits that are perfect for future law, wasteland raiders or zombie survivors among other uses. Add them to melee armed figures or strap them to the backs of your gun armed adventurers. They would even make good kit to add to vehicles.


Also in Rebel news are the Tesla and Missile variants of the burly URSA battlesuits (on the ends of the group above). These are added to the existing variants and Mike says there are some new variants coming soon. Find these - HERE.

Friday 29 November 2013

New Ion Age Scenery - Fabricator Spire

By Eli

Gavin and the folks at The Ion Age have released a cool new piece of scenery - the Fabricator Spire. I can see a lot of uses for this fun piece as it could easily represent everything from a rooftop comms system, generator, vaporator or even localized atmosphere processor. 

For more information on this cool scenery and its use in The Ion Age, check HERE.

Wednesday 27 November 2013

15mm.co.uk Kicks Off Festive Season

Its the start of a month of festive season fun for 15mm.co.uk and as the little story above tells you its going to be a little mad too.  We have a brand new Festive Offers page on the website which you should refer to as over the coming weeks we will have not only new releases like SN01 above but also limited time offers on existing codes too.  We begin today and we end on 8th January and this is important if you like Snowmen in 15mm scale.  Read on!

SN01 Evil Snowmen - 5 Magic Creatures  2.50GBP
This code contains five different 15mm scale white metal miniatures.  Our not so friendly snowmen suitable for any festive themed scenario or army.  Each of them stands about 10mm tall and poses are hat with hatchet, top hat and candy cane, wool hat and rifle, saucepan and scarf, severed head and knife. Supplied Unpainted and without Bases.  HERE.

SN01 is our first code in what will be a yearly expanding range of festive themed miniatures.  They will only be for sale during the festive period of the year (until 8th January 2014) and will then be placed in storage until winter 2014 when they will be joined by another pack with something else Christmas themed.  Why have we made snowmen?  Same reason as most of our releases...wargamers asked for them!  Enjoy! 

SN01VB Evil Snowmen Horde - 20 Magic Creatures  9.00GBP

This code contains twenty 15mm scale white metal miniatures taken from five different poses.  Our not so friendly snowmen suitable for any festive themed scenario or army.  Each of them stands about 10mm tall and poses are hat with hatchet, top hat and candy cane, wool hat and rifle, saucepan and scarf, severed head and knife. Supplied Unpainted and without Bases.  This bumper value pack saves you 10% off list price! HERE.

Cold Thing - USEME Scenario
You might well have read the story at the top of this article.  Enjoyed it so far?  Yes?  Good stuff.  Well this tale is just a small part of an upcoming free USEME Scenario which will be published here on the blog as a download in a couple of weeks.  Keep watching for this.

Festive Season Current 15% Off Offers
Current special offers are as follows.  These will change on Monday next week so get in now.

HOT94 Jabberwock (1 Monster) (White Metal Kit).  
V106 Law Officer Air Raft (1 Vehicle) (Resin and White Metal Kit)

Thanks for Reading!


ClearHorizon Miniatures - Early Black Friday/Holiday Hell Diver Special!

By Harold
(Disclaimer, this is a post about my own Miniatures Line)

No, it's not Santa in a drop pod, but something better!

To get in the spirit of the holidays and sales I've decided to do a Holiday Hell Divers Special!

Early Black Friday and Hell Divers Infantry Holiday Specials!

From now until December 20th we are having a Hell Divers Infantry Special

Two Packs of Alpha Squads and One Support squad is only $23USD!  That's a 15% savings! </b>


Alpha Squad:

(2) Command Figures
(2) High Energy Plasma SAW Weapons
(8) Plasma Riflemen
[12 Unique Sculpts]
Normally $10.99USD

Bravo Support Squad:

(1) Sniper Team (Spotter and Sniper)
(2) AT Teams (AT Trooper and Loader)
[4 Unique Sculpts and (2) Riflemen]

Normally $4.99USD

Normal price for the pack would be $26.97USD, on sale for $23USD!


Tuesday 26 November 2013

GZG - New Site and Christmas Offers!

GZG NEWS - revamped website now live, plus new releases and Christmas Offers!

We've just launched our NEW storefront (Cubecart 4, which drove our old store, is now obsolescent so we've upgraded to Cubecart 5); most things should work pretty much the same as the old store, though we still have to do a few tweaks of various things over the coming days.
All our web addresses (including our main one, www.gzg.com) have now been redirected to the new store, so you might need to change any bookmarks to it that you may have. The direct address for the new store is www.shop.groundzerogames.co.uk.
The most important improvement over the old store is that I will now be able to do much more in the way of updating and adding new items myself, rather than waiting for my web admin to do it, so new products should hit the store even faster now!

On the subject of new items, ALL of the new releases (infantry and
vehicles) that we launched at or just before WARFARE are now up on the new store and ready for your mailorders!

Finally, our 2013 CHRISTMAS OFFERS are also now up, full details of them are on the front page of the store! They will run until we close for the Christmas break on Friday 20th December, but don't leave it to the last minute. We're doing a similar deal to recent years, with generously-filled bags of EXTRA FREE GOODIES for all qualifying orders, PLUS our popular NEW YEAR DISCOUNT VOUCHERS - there are a few little tweaks to the offers for this year, so please check the full terms and details on the store.

Thanks for reading, wishing everyone a very Happy Christmas (or whatever other Seasonal Holiday you happen to celebrate) and thanks to the 15mm SF community for all your support during the year!

Jon (GZG)

Monday 25 November 2013

ArmiesArmy previews BTR 160 - The Variants

By Harold

ArmiesArmy over on TMP previewed some of his new BTR 160 variants he's working on:

Hi all
Andrew my sculptor mentioned to me he was a little delayed (a few days) on finishing the BTR160. I now know why…….
A marvelous looking set of extras! I'm really, very very pleased with this list of items! Hoping they go to print in the next day or two! Again big thanks Andrew!

BTR 160 /BTR290 Turret


BTR 160 Ambulance

Friday 22 November 2013

Rebel Minis: Earth Force Hover Tank up on the site.

By Harold

Hi everyone,  Rebel Mike posted up on TMP that he now has his Earth Force Hover Tanks up on his site for sale:

Rebel Mike says: 

You can see it here: Rebelminis.com

This awesome paint job is from John Treadaway. Many of you know John from the miniature forums and as one of creators of the Hammer's Slammers game. We decided to do some hover craft after Mark Ryan (Yes, I blame you Mark :) ) suggested we look into playing the game. We have the book and we are in the process of putting together a game. Stay tuned and we'll get some pics.
If you want to read more about the game, check out : link

As Always, Thanks!

Really great vehicle, and I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of the range as it comes out too (along with that awesome modular range!)

Khurasan Miniatures previews new Near Future Ranges - USMC and Chi-Nippon.

By Harold

Hi everyone!  Khurasan Miniatures over on TMP previewed some really cool dollies for their upcoming near future range!

Khurasan Miniatures writes:
Here are the armless dollies for the major factions in our upcoming near future range--the USMC and Chi-Nippon.

This is the dolly for the United Systems Marine Corp. Depicted here is the hostile environment helmet but the troops will also be available with the standard duty helmet and the light duty helmet (the standard helmet with visor and mandible removed).

The chief rivals of the United Systems are the Chi-Nippon. Here's their infantry dolly.

Some really great stuff!  Can't wait to see these come out.

Check it here yo! 

Ion Age Legionary 3rd Tesseran

More New Shia Khan Troops Arrive

AF018 Legionary 3rd Tesseran
Come November come more Shia Khan Empire troops!  Expanding the current range further we have the brand new IAF018 Legionary 3rd Tesseran.  This pack contains eight white metal poses of Legion infantry, one Ordo officer with Cupid Pistol and seven different Discens (privates) armed with Maia 9.6mm Mpi. Legion are dressed in reactive glimmer suits and self contained breather systems with auto aid ability.   As always this code can be bought as a pack or as single miniatures or select the three packs and save 10% option on the page.  Go HERE.  Price 4.00GBP per pack.

Other Khanate Legion Codes which go excellent with this pack are IAF006 Legionary 1st Tesseran, IAF007 Canthus Monocycle, IAF011 Legionary 2nd Tesseran and IAF012 Legion 1st Pioneers.  Including this new pack there are now thirty five different Khanate 15mm miniatures...enough for a whole force with no duplicate poses!

There is also just a bit over a week left to get the Novermber special Ion Age miniature Knight of the Dead. This figure is free with all purchases and can also be purchased separately.

Thursday 21 November 2013

Khurasan Miniatures releases 15mm Zantin Reconquest and Phalanx Gunships

By Harold

Hi everyone, Khurasan Miniatures has been busy as always and has released some amazing figures and heavy gunships:

The Zantin Reconquest figures:

15mm GOTA Clan Ground Forces plasma riflemen (x6 in six poses)

15mm GOTA Clan Ground Forces heavy fusion gunners (x6 in three poses)

15mm GOTA Clan Ground Forces section commanders and casualty (x5 in three poses -- two of each section leader figure, and one casualty)

And some amazing heavy gunships: (avaliable here: http://khurasanminiatures.tripod.com/15mmscifi.html

15mm Federal Army Phalanx "A" Heavy Gunship with side panels removed and Army door gunners (with both medium pulsers and rotary cannons)

15mm Federal Navy Phalanx "A" Heavy Gunship with side panels removed and SPAR team door gunners (with both medium pulsers and rotary cannons)

15mm Federal Army/Navy Phalanx "B" Heavy Gunship (buttoned up)