Thursday 30 April 2015
New Cultists and Female SFA from
The folks at continue to expand their scifi universe with more Hordes of the Future figures suitable for any science fiction universe imaginable. This time around it with their HOF106 SFA Female Troopers and HOF107 Cultists Sinners Retribution.
Each pack contains ten miniatures with one of each pose pictured and then the rest of the pack filed out by random inclusions of the other poses from the pack. You can also order single minis by utilizing the drop down menu on the ordering page.
Both packs are excellent and allow you some nice expansions to existing SFA and Cultist units or a good place to start. The SFA are perfect for just about any mid to hi-tech human or human-like scifi force. The Cultists work perfectly as cultists but would also make good miniatures for fantasy armies as well as clerics or wizards.
For full info read - HERE
15mm Sci Fi,,
New Releases
Friday 24 April 2015
All About The Bases
Yeah, I went there...
One of the most commonly asked questions I hear about 15mm miniatures is, "How do you base yours?" Usually there are as many answers as there are people. Rarely is there actually a purpose made base made for single-based miniatures in 15mm scale and so players resort to all manner of washers, game pieces and even coins of realm. makes a move to answer that call with their new 16mm metal bases.
These bases are cast in white metal for a high standard of regularity and their diameter makes sure they will fit most miniatures without too much overflow. At 2mm thick, they di not add much in the way of height to your miniature. They are available in lot of 20, 50 at a 5% savings, 100 at a 10% savings or 500 at a 20% savings.
For full details read - HERE
Wednesday 22 April 2015
New release from Darkest Star Games!
5x 15mm metal figures of Spec-Sec Response Team troops wearing "high-intensity" heavy actuated armor, armed with suppressed heavy assault rifles
1x 15mm metal character figure of cyborg Koios in assault outfit armed with a heavy rifle
Darkest Star games has some great new releases up on their webshop!
15SS202 Spec-Sec Response Team- high intensity
$4.005x 15mm metal figures of Spec-Sec Response Team troops wearing "high-intensity" heavy actuated armor, armed with suppressed heavy assault rifles
15SS106- Borg Koios
$1.251x 15mm metal character figure of cyborg Koios in assault outfit armed with a heavy rifle
15SSV07-Hippogriff Attack Aerodyne
1x 15mm scale Hippogriff Attack Aerodyne kit containing 13 resin parts (1x hull, 1x tail, 1x nose gear wheel, 1x nose gear cover, 2x wing, 2x wingtip wheels, 2x single missle, 2x double missile, 1x optics turret)
Darkest Star Games,
New Releases
Tuesday 21 April 2015
Fireteam Andromeda AAR by Podsy McPod
Fireteam Andromeda AAR by Podsy McPod
On Saturday the 18th of April 2015 it was once again my privilege to present a participation wargame to my local gaming club TableTopNorth in Belfast. Most of the players I knew would be role-players at heart so for rules I used a simplified version of Fireteam Andromeda revised edition. The recently released online army builder using Battlescribe meant I was able to create unit cards in double quick time. I enjoyed the freedom of building units outside normal competitive play and the chance to use some of the many colourful options in the Fireteam Andromeda rules. You can see three types of marker on table. The hexagonal ones indicate a unit has activated in the turn, the orange ones that a unit is shaken and the skull tokens indicate damage points. Player numbers were slightly down on previous years at thirteen plus myself as referee but still enough for a fast moving game even with the large number of units on table.
The scenario was a continuation of an ongoing campaign between the rebelling human forces of the RPK republic (near future Arabs) and their evil galactic overlords the Naga (snake like aliens). Basically the Naga have higher tech weapons with better range and damage (power) the saving grace of the human weaponry is that most weapons have the rapid fire ability meaning rate of fire increases by one die per weapon if the firing model is stationary. The rebel forces were closing in on the capital of the RPK republic when they discovered that the Naga were using a local farm to breed Xenomorphs. This was a threat behind rebel lines that could not be ignored. The rebels used electronic warfare to jam the gates on the holding pens and launched an attack before the Naga could bring electronic counter measures to bear. Victory would be decided by who had control of the four holding pens and the central command tower at game end. The command tower was worth three victory points and the four holding pens two each. Control is determined by deciding which side has the highest value, in strength points, of units within six inches of the objective. Command units are worth three strength points, infantry units two and vehicles one. These values are reduced by one if the unit is shaken and or half strength or less.
The corridors and walls do not block line of sight but the buildings and rock formations do. So the battlefield is fairly open. Smoke plumes from destroyed vehicles also block line of sight and it was amazing how quickly lines of sight became tight. I must apologise that the table is just slightly too small to get the unit cards off the map which makes some of the photos look a little untidy. Here is a photo of the rebel deployment with some of their key assets marked
Will the superior alien technology win the day? Will the holding pens open and release hordes of xenomorph hatchlings? Will the rebel tanks crush all before them? We were soon to find out.
It is difficult for me to get events in chronological order across the whole table as I was busy refereeing so I will divide the battlefield in to three sectors. In the North Naga battlesuits with infantry and recon support face off against rebel infantry, mounted infantry on grav bikes, battlesuits, and recon vehicles with anti armour missile launchers.
Disaster strikes the rebel forces right at the start of the game when Naga electronic counter measures force open the gate of the holding pen closest to the rebel forces releasing their deadly occupants. This really forces the rebel hand making them deal with this threat. The first units activated all fire on the hatchlings in the holding pen to fairly good effect. Long range fire from the Naga shakes one of the rebel infantry units and the hatchlings waste no time assaulting the unit as it cannot fire at them as they charge home. If unshaken the rebel infantry could have fired at the assaulting unit. It the assaulting unit took casualties it would have to check morale and if it failed it would not complete the charge. This is one of core mechanics of Fireteam Andromeda.
The Death Riders grav bike unit having taken considerable casualties from long range fire (against the odds) decide to join the assault where they cannot be targeted until the assault is resolved at the end of the turn. It is a tough fight for the rebels but the grav bikes swing the result in their favour. Only two grav bikes remain and then the second holding pen in the sector opens...
Meanwhile Naga fast attack battlesuits with power claws move up and attempt to assault the rebel Polecat recon vehicles. The recon vehicles are not shaken and so can fire at the charging unit. They destroy one Battlesuit (exploding it with a high damage roll) and the unit fails it's morale test stopping the charge. The fast moving (grav powered) Cobra recon vehicles move up but their weapons are anti infantry and cannot damage the human recon vehicles. Things are looking good for the rebels in this sector until the hatchlings from the second pen charge home on the shaken Polecat recon unit. The remaining hatchlings have two assault dice each for a total of sixteen but need 5+ to hit and a 6 on their damage roll to cause damage. The Polecat recon only need at a 3+ to hit and a auto kill but only have one assault dice per model.
This fight drags on with minimal casualties on either side. By the time it resolves the losses on the human infantry have mounted. The Cobra recon vehicles swoop in to take the holding pen closest to rebel lines. The rebel recon vehicles finally win the fight but it is too late. Both objectives in this sector are firmly in the hands of the Naga.
Here the initial action is dominated by the Naga trying to get their anti armour assault drones into contact with the rebel tank platoon. These pesky drones have high powered ultra short range lasers counting as improved anti armour melee weapons. The drones advance and take cover in the control tower. A little abstraction going on here, they are technically mounted infantry so can occupy buildings. The rebels concentrate fire on them causing heavy casualties.
Elsewhere in this sector goblin Malig units and the one unit of full size Xenomorphs on table lead the advance. The Xenomorphs jump the corridor and assault a unit of shaken Battlesuits. They need 5+ on their damage roll to cause damage and have twelve dice. They get an amazing seven hits causing damage wiping out the Battlesuit unit. A Malig unit takes the control tower but is soon shot up by advancing RPK infantry who take the tower themselves. At this point I found it very hard to call who would win control of the tower. Advancing Naga laser rifle infantry squads took heavy casualties as they advanced across open ground towards the tower. In the final turn the last remaining holding pen opens and the hatchlings rush to assault the tower. The RPK infantry unit is shaken so cannot fire at the chargers. With forty assault dice against it, it is doomed. The Naga hold this objective.
Despite destroying the opposing Battlesuits rebel forces get badly pinned down around this rocky outcrop.
The opening moves by the rebels are again to concentrate fire on the holding pen and casualties on the hatchlings within are heavier than in the North. The mounted infantry on motorbikes are a unit whose key asset is their speed. Instead they go to ground in cover and are shot up by the opposing forces.
Autocannons on the human recon vehicles make short work of the Naga battlesuits. Rebel infantry both regular RPK units and superior Muster infantry advance taking up positions around the corridors and in cover within the rock formation. One unit of RPK infantry shoots up and then assaults a Malig unit wiping it out. Titan Recon vehicles use their high grav movement to move into the holding pen on the rebel side but when strength points are totalled it is still deemed to be in rebel hands.
The Naga are deemed to be in control of three of the holding pens and the central control tower so win by a margin of nine victory points to two. The Naga had definitely made more effective use of one of the core mechanics of the game, that is, to shake units and then assault them. They were also aided by the holding pen in the North opening right at the beginning of the game against the odds. The rebels were too static, they needed to be moving from the first turn.
Although that said they were right to concentrate fire on the holding pens before they opened. On reflection there should have been fewer hatchlings in the units and perhaps their armour value dropped by one. One of the rebel key assets a light weapons team of laser cannons did little. It should have moved to a position where it could fire on Naga vehicles in the north, this could well have turned the tide of battle in that sector. They also suffered some bad luck failing key morale checks.
It was interesting to note just how much more survivability vehicles had following the changes to revised edition. There were loads of infantry support weapons on table capable of taking out vehicles but this did not happen, I don't know what the players were doing with them. The rebel tank platoon was steadily taking hits but as they are spread evenly it was never enough to take out a model. Several players remarked on how well balanced the game was. I think that is due mostly to the robust points system used in Fireteam Andromeda. Play went very quickly with us actually finishing the final turn of play about forty minutes ahead of schedule. Before the game I doubted we would finish the final turn. If anybody would like the details of the rules tweaks I have used to adapt Fireteam Andromeda for participation play just drop me a message on Facebook.
On Saturday the 18th of April 2015 it was once again my privilege to present a participation wargame to my local gaming club TableTopNorth in Belfast. Most of the players I knew would be role-players at heart so for rules I used a simplified version of Fireteam Andromeda revised edition. The recently released online army builder using Battlescribe meant I was able to create unit cards in double quick time. I enjoyed the freedom of building units outside normal competitive play and the chance to use some of the many colourful options in the Fireteam Andromeda rules. You can see three types of marker on table. The hexagonal ones indicate a unit has activated in the turn, the orange ones that a unit is shaken and the skull tokens indicate damage points. Player numbers were slightly down on previous years at thirteen plus myself as referee but still enough for a fast moving game even with the large number of units on table.
The scenario was a continuation of an ongoing campaign between the rebelling human forces of the RPK republic (near future Arabs) and their evil galactic overlords the Naga (snake like aliens). Basically the Naga have higher tech weapons with better range and damage (power) the saving grace of the human weaponry is that most weapons have the rapid fire ability meaning rate of fire increases by one die per weapon if the firing model is stationary. The rebel forces were closing in on the capital of the RPK republic when they discovered that the Naga were using a local farm to breed Xenomorphs. This was a threat behind rebel lines that could not be ignored. The rebels used electronic warfare to jam the gates on the holding pens and launched an attack before the Naga could bring electronic counter measures to bear. Victory would be decided by who had control of the four holding pens and the central command tower at game end. The command tower was worth three victory points and the four holding pens two each. Control is determined by deciding which side has the highest value, in strength points, of units within six inches of the objective. Command units are worth three strength points, infantry units two and vehicles one. These values are reduced by one if the unit is shaken and or half strength or less.
An overview of the battlefield with victory point locations marked. |
A view of the rebel deployment with some key assets marked. |
A view of the Naga deployment with some key assets marked. |
Will the superior alien technology win the day? Will the holding pens open and release hordes of xenomorph hatchlings? Will the rebel tanks crush all before them? We were soon to find out.
It is difficult for me to get events in chronological order across the whole table as I was busy refereeing so I will divide the battlefield in to three sectors. In the North Naga battlesuits with infantry and recon support face off against rebel infantry, mounted infantry on grav bikes, battlesuits, and recon vehicles with anti armour missile launchers.
Naga units in the northern sector. |
Disaster strikes the rebel forces right at the start of the game when Naga electronic counter measures force open the gate of the holding pen closest to the rebel forces releasing their deadly occupants. This really forces the rebel hand making them deal with this threat. The first units activated all fire on the hatchlings in the holding pen to fairly good effect. Long range fire from the Naga shakes one of the rebel infantry units and the hatchlings waste no time assaulting the unit as it cannot fire at them as they charge home. If unshaken the rebel infantry could have fired at the assaulting unit. It the assaulting unit took casualties it would have to check morale and if it failed it would not complete the charge. This is one of core mechanics of Fireteam Andromeda.
The assault between hatchlings, Muster infantry and Death Rider grav bikes. |
Meanwhile Naga fast attack battlesuits with power claws move up and attempt to assault the rebel Polecat recon vehicles. The recon vehicles are not shaken and so can fire at the charging unit. They destroy one Battlesuit (exploding it with a high damage roll) and the unit fails it's morale test stopping the charge. The fast moving (grav powered) Cobra recon vehicles move up but their weapons are anti infantry and cannot damage the human recon vehicles. Things are looking good for the rebels in this sector until the hatchlings from the second pen charge home on the shaken Polecat recon unit. The remaining hatchlings have two assault dice each for a total of sixteen but need 5+ to hit and a 6 on their damage roll to cause damage. The Polecat recon only need at a 3+ to hit and a auto kill but only have one assault dice per model.
This fight drags on with minimal casualties on either side. By the time it resolves the losses on the human infantry have mounted. The Cobra recon vehicles swoop in to take the holding pen closest to rebel lines. The rebel recon vehicles finally win the fight but it is too late. Both objectives in this sector are firmly in the hands of the Naga.
Central Sector
Here the initial action is dominated by the Naga trying to get their anti armour assault drones into contact with the rebel tank platoon. These pesky drones have high powered ultra short range lasers counting as improved anti armour melee weapons. The drones advance and take cover in the control tower. A little abstraction going on here, they are technically mounted infantry so can occupy buildings. The rebels concentrate fire on them causing heavy casualties.
A good overview of the Naga advance in the centre. |
Elsewhere in this sector goblin Malig units and the one unit of full size Xenomorphs on table lead the advance. The Xenomorphs jump the corridor and assault a unit of shaken Battlesuits. They need 5+ on their damage roll to cause damage and have twelve dice. They get an amazing seven hits causing damage wiping out the Battlesuit unit. A Malig unit takes the control tower but is soon shot up by advancing RPK infantry who take the tower themselves. At this point I found it very hard to call who would win control of the tower. Advancing Naga laser rifle infantry squads took heavy casualties as they advanced across open ground towards the tower. In the final turn the last remaining holding pen opens and the hatchlings rush to assault the tower. The RPK infantry unit is shaken so cannot fire at the chargers. With forty assault dice against it, it is doomed. The Naga hold this objective.
The RPK infantry bravely occupy the control tower. Counter intuitively in this scenario they would have been better standing behind it and avoiding being assaulted. |
Southern Sector |
The opening moves by the rebels are again to concentrate fire on the holding pen and casualties on the hatchlings within are heavier than in the North. The mounted infantry on motorbikes are a unit whose key asset is their speed. Instead they go to ground in cover and are shot up by the opposing forces.
Rebel forces advance in the south but it is too little too late. |
Autocannons on the human recon vehicles make short work of the Naga battlesuits. Rebel infantry both regular RPK units and superior Muster infantry advance taking up positions around the corridors and in cover within the rock formation. One unit of RPK infantry shoots up and then assaults a Malig unit wiping it out. Titan Recon vehicles use their high grav movement to move into the holding pen on the rebel side but when strength points are totalled it is still deemed to be in rebel hands.
A final overview of the table as the game ended |
The Naga are deemed to be in control of three of the holding pens and the central control tower so win by a margin of nine victory points to two. The Naga had definitely made more effective use of one of the core mechanics of the game, that is, to shake units and then assault them. They were also aided by the holding pen in the North opening right at the beginning of the game against the odds. The rebels were too static, they needed to be moving from the first turn.
Although that said they were right to concentrate fire on the holding pens before they opened. On reflection there should have been fewer hatchlings in the units and perhaps their armour value dropped by one. One of the rebel key assets a light weapons team of laser cannons did little. It should have moved to a position where it could fire on Naga vehicles in the north, this could well have turned the tide of battle in that sector. They also suffered some bad luck failing key morale checks.
It was interesting to note just how much more survivability vehicles had following the changes to revised edition. There were loads of infantry support weapons on table capable of taking out vehicles but this did not happen, I don't know what the players were doing with them. The rebel tank platoon was steadily taking hits but as they are spread evenly it was never enough to take out a model. Several players remarked on how well balanced the game was. I think that is due mostly to the robust points system used in Fireteam Andromeda. Play went very quickly with us actually finishing the final turn of play about forty minutes ahead of schedule. Before the game I doubted we would finish the final turn. If anybody would like the details of the rules tweaks I have used to adapt Fireteam Andromeda for participation play just drop me a message on Facebook.
Sunday 12 April 2015
ClearHorizon Miniatures previews the HADES Wraith Power Armor team...
From Facebook:
HADES Wraith Power Armor preview... Sculpted by the very talented Sean Harrison (Jetpacks sculpted by Jimbo at ACPGames).
The elite of the elite Hunter/Ambush Discreet Engagement Section (HADES) deploy in the Mark X Wraith powered armor.
Each operator selected for the elite Wraith squads must have at least all four appendages and spine cybernetically replaced and enhanced. This allows the operator to have limbs that can extend to fit the armored carapace and to directly link with the Wraith armor.
The operator's head and torso are in the torso of the suit while an advanced sensor suite occupies the "head". With the cybernetic uplink engaged the operator and suit act as one and are a deadly force on the battlefield.
Each squad will come with six Wraith-armored operators armed with a hyper-velocity, large-caliber rifles. One operator is armed with a heavy anti-material sniper/support weapon that can be used in either role. The weapons can select fire each round to provide silenced, normal, armor piecing, or high-explosive rounds. Each squad also comes with optional Jetpacks in a variety of poses.
HADES Wraith squads can be dropped from low-orbit and can spend months behind enemy lines causing havoc and disrupting even the largest forces.
Coming soon from Clearhorizon Miniatures!
HADES Wraith Power Armor preview... Sculpted by the very talented Sean Harrison (Jetpacks sculpted by Jimbo at ACPGames).
The elite of the elite Hunter/Ambush Discreet Engagement Section (HADES) deploy in the Mark X Wraith powered armor.
Each operator selected for the elite Wraith squads must have at least all four appendages and spine cybernetically replaced and enhanced. This allows the operator to have limbs that can extend to fit the armored carapace and to directly link with the Wraith armor.
The operator's head and torso are in the torso of the suit while an advanced sensor suite occupies the "head". With the cybernetic uplink engaged the operator and suit act as one and are a deadly force on the battlefield.
Each squad will come with six Wraith-armored operators armed with a hyper-velocity, large-caliber rifles. One operator is armed with a heavy anti-material sniper/support weapon that can be used in either role. The weapons can select fire each round to provide silenced, normal, armor piecing, or high-explosive rounds. Each squad also comes with optional Jetpacks in a variety of poses.
Coming soon from Clearhorizon Miniatures!
ClearHorizon Miniatures,
Friday 10 April 2015
Mustering the Troops
New Platoon Pack From The Ion Age
The good folks at The Ion Age are continuing their month long campaign of special deals, discounts and goodies by presenting this new platoon pack for their Muster troops.
This pack gives you a full platoon of Muster soldiers as well as a unique miniature only found in this code. If you want to field a full force suitable for skirmishing then this is the code for you. Twenty five different miniatures which are IAF003 Muster 1st Squad, IAF059 Muster 2nd Squad (Female) and IAF060 Muster 1st Platoon Command. On top of this you get the unique miniature which is a prone Muster Spotter, visor raised, which is found only in this pack and what's more its free within the pack. Excellent! As always this code can be bought as a pack or select the three packs and save 10% option on the page. Go HERE. Price 12.50GBP per pack.
Scaly Beasts Fight On!
New Fantasy Remasters from
F25 Chaos Knight on Flying Reptile
F65 Orcs on Young Dragons
The miniatures are available now and it's a great time to pick them up while the 15% discount and a free Goody Bag be offered!
For full details of these releases and the special offers, head over - HERE
Fantastic Horizons,
New Releases
Wednesday 8 April 2015
ArmiesArmy - Figure Ranges Moving
ArmiesArmy - NEWS
As some people have noticed I've taken down my 'infantry' figures from my website today. The reason I have done is because they have been moved to a new home. I exchanged this morning and will in the very near future (post Salute) be available from their website.
Why have I done this? be frank the hobby business has grown past the stage I can efficiently run it. I have only an X amount of time I can spend on the business and I was spending over it. I was no longer gaming, painting and generally I thought my shipping standards were falling with the odd error. All of them quickly fixed, however this took further time. All the usual reasons many companies have :)
So rather then stop creating stuff I decided to split the figures range away from my vehicles. I also have found a fantastic place for them to go to. Ill let them announce it, however its safe to say they are one of the best UK miniature companies out there, with a fine 15mm SciFi selection . My figures really do fit well in their lines and they have great plans. The range names will change, however not the quality and investment. I suspect it become a more rounder range with the new owners and will be a big success!
As I said I will keep the vehicles and will continue to develop them. In fact, Ill be moving this further with the investment I now have! I've already new models being created and Ill also have some more news in the near future regarding new website and lines. They will all be vehicle focussed :)
No current orders will be effected
Id like to thank you for all your support and I hope it will continue. I truly want to push the standards for 15mm SciFi vehicles!
Wednesday 1 April 2015
Ikwen Rock Village WIP - Part Two
For folks following this project, here is my second video commenting on the process of this build.
New Month, New Free Mini!
Well here we are in April (already!) and the fine folks at The Ion Age are treating us to another of their wonderful, character-full, unique character miniatures.
This month we see an enigmatic Female Shia Khan Legion Officer. Cape and all, she advances forward, weapon in hand and defiance in her eyes, making her presence known among her troops.
April's unique miniatures will come free with any purchase through the month of April. It can also be purchased separately for those wanting just the figure or multiples of the figure.
For full details on this and other Ion Age news go - HERE
For those who are new to The Ion Age or who may have missed the special miniatures last year, take a look at the Year One Collection (above). This set of miniatures collects all twelve unique figures from 2014 and makes them available for purchase as a set.
15mm Sci Fi,
New Releases,
Special Offer,
The Ion Age
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