Saturday 9 March 2013

QUICK LOOK: Khurasan Miniatures Federal Security Force Troopers

By Harold

Hi Everyone!

In this installment of Quick Look i'm going to show two product codes from Khurasan Miniatures, the Federal Police officers and the Federal Security forces. Available from:  $7.99

These are the same poses as the regular Federal Police but upgraded weaponry and helmets. The pistols appear to have scopes and other tech pieces on them, and the troopers themselves appear to be armed with a baton on their side (maybe a stun stick?).  Included in the pack are more heavily armed security forces armed with the same "Pulse Rifle" as the Exterminators.  I really like this touch, as it adds some nice firepower against trespassers!   

I painted on little logos on the arms, I have a vehicles from Rebel Minis that I am using as their transport.  I will be posting a QUICK LOOK of that at a later time. :)

Here is a quick overview of all the different poses in the pack.  It's a nice varied selection.

And here are the Federal Police forces, three are painted as police, the other two are Corp. Security.  The police cruisers are from Khurasan Miniatures as well, and I used sequins (fabulous!) for the light bars.  I'm very happy with these, and they are definitely some of my favorites miniatures!


  1. Very glad to hear that Khurasan will be open again on Monday, I've been wanting to take a look at their inventory for a while.

    1. Jon said monday on the forum (TMP), so hopefully that holds true! :)

  2. Wow. It's 55 degrees out here in Ohio and I was just priming my Khurasan Federal Police Forces.

    Great paint job on those figs!

    1. Thank you! They paint up pretty quick too, which is nice!

  3. Nice job Mr. Harold. This is a set I have sitting in the waiting room, and it's interesting to see them painted up. Good colour scheme too!

  4. Looking very good. The orange jacket against the black and grey really makes them stand out. I also like what you did with the scifi cars from KM.

  5. Very nice job there. Need to get my police painted up for my sci-fi game at somepoint.

  6. Look perfect for a quick skirmish game!

    really nicely done mr H
