Wednesday 27 October 2010

Life, Work, The Universe...... The Laptop Strikes Back

Thanks to Ronnie, neighbour, top IT guru and genuinely all round good guy, my laptop has been returned to full functionality and normality has been restored. That is, as soon as we are sure what is normal anyway.

My sage advice amigos is, after you fix the hardware, don't change your Admin password in Windows Vista when you are under the influence of medication or alcohol, or in my case, BOTH!



  1. There is something to be said about this post - Don't use Window$... ;)

  2. Don't use windows? You sir, offend me! :P

    You know what was left out of those PC Vs. Mac Commercials? The fact that MAC can't play any games....or half the programs available for Windows. Even more laughable is those who say that Linux is better. Linux is a joke.

    Although, sir Mark, I'm sorry to hear you have to put up with Vista...if you had the money to, I'd recommend Windows 7. XP was good, Vista just looked good, but was temperamental but this OS... 7 is like if XP and Vista had a love child and it got Vista's good looks, but XP's intelligence.

  3. yes windows 7 is a must. We got some laptops from HP for work at my AV job and out of the box 2 out of the 3 failed or Bluescreend on the very first boot!

  4. Don't worry next laptop will be a Mac. In this case the issue was not down to the OS but rather the User. I hold my hand up. And yes, I had created a password recovery disk, which is currently a base for some Sci Fi terrain...

    Endeth of lesson.

  5. ill keep that in mind mark and thanx for the beer. I forgot to go to the hardware shop to get PVA glue so im going to start tommorow

  6. Windows 7 looked like good stuff but ultimately it didn't hold up to its promises. Back to Linux and XP.
