Thursday 5 May 2011

Latest GZG Update!

 NEWS from Jon at GZG:

Apologies for delay in posting another update, I've been spending the last couple of weeks frantically doing stuff rather than writing about it!

SALUTE went off VERY well, it was great to see so many of our customers there and the day went really smoothly – everyone there was amazingly patient and supportive of the transitions we're going through with the store.

Since returning from the show, I've been working solidly to get the last of the order backlog cleared (which included some VERY large orders – several in the £500+ range – that got placed in the last couple of days before we closed up the old store). I can now very happily announce that the whole of the backlog has been cleared and virtually* all orders dispatched.

Through all the delays, you have all been incredibly patient, in fact out of several hundred orders that took way too long due to our hiatus there were only TWO where the customers decided to cancel rather than wait (this was fine with me, as it allowed me to bump a few others up the queue!!) – so a big thank-you again to everyone.

One particularly good piece of news is that orders to the USA seem to be getting though US Customs a bit faster at last – a customer contacted me just the other day to say that their packages had arrived within a week of them being posted from here, which is pretty much back to normal.

So, I am now working on sorting out all the little bits that need to be done before the new store can open for orders – barring serious problems, I HOPE that we will be able to have it up and running very shortly, I will post another update over this coming weekend with more details.

Best regards to you all, and thanks for your continued support!

Jon (GZG), 5th May.

* OK, there are actually just a handful still outstanding due to various problems – cases where despite repeated attempts, we cannot contact the customers, or Paypal payments have not been made, etc – if you think you MIGHT be one of these, then do please get in touch again in case earlier emails have not been getting through."


  1. I feel sorry for the deluge of orders Jon will get when he reopens. :) I know that I have an order to place, but it can wait until later this summer.


  2. I know right! I for one will be spaming his orders box when he finaly gets back online lol.
