Tuesday 10 May 2011

Rescued Traveller Spacers

Remember I mentioned my old Citadel 15mm Traveller minis? This is a closeup of some of the 'rescued' spacesuits. They were scuffed, grimy and generally a bit poor to behold. Here they are 'rescued' by a wash of Windor and Newton Peat ink (Thank you Craig!).

Citadel 15mm Traveller Minis circa 1979

They haven't come up too bad have they? All the scuffs and scrapes have disappeared. OK, not pretty, but I don't like pretty when it comes to painting miniatures. Peat ink has also toned down the orange to a more Mars / 'dirt planet' colouration. Popping them onto a base makes all the difference - a colourful badge, a stripe, some ground cover and we have a tasty little unit. Seeing them like thhis, i really can't be arsed to highlight - they work for me.

I found some guys with toolboxes etc - and a couple of characters with pistols (huzzah!) - that's the Pulp side sorted. I also have another 20 or so armed, some painted, some (RAFM production) not and could quickly turn out a combat platoon in no time. No support weapons, but if I get some additional Rebel Minis' Earth Force Marine heavies and paint them orange - no one will mind (wink).

Perfect for taking on hordes of Master Chefs new Llhurggs.



  1. They look fine to me and it is always good to rescue things from the lead-pile (even if it is long forgotten painted stuff).

    Those old Traveller minis still hold their own up against some of the modern stuff too.

  2. Thanks. It's a numbers game these days. If I had one army to lovingly paint it would be a different story - but as I now have more 15mm Sci Fi than WW2 - if they are going to be fielded by the platoon/company rather than as individual characters - cheap and cheerful paint/wash job to get them on the table is de rigeur.

    Rose tinted glasses perhaps but some of my favourite 15mm Sci Fi minis are found amongst these Traveller miniatures sculpted 30 plus years ago!

