Tuesday 10 May 2011

Old Crow TomWar Testers

These Old Crow Sci Fi figures were speed painted around this time last year to play test Tomorrow's War. I deliberately placed two figs per base 'coz I detest moving dozens of figures individually. We worked in pairs (pepper potting), I assume future grunts will work in pairs too. It also gives a better feel of platoon coherency IMO.

Above you see a Squad with 2 fire teams on 4 bases. I also have a separate 'fireteam' of individual grunts for GRAW (Ghost Recon Advanced Warrior) 'missions'. The light's not with me today, the camera flash has bleached the colours, but you get the idea. take my word for it, whilst not show stoppers, they look kick ass on the table. After I revewied the photo ("does my base look big in this?"), I took the opportunity to add more grass clumps to the bases. In part because I want these bases not to look too out of place on the new Hotz Green Planet Mat.

At some point I'll find the energy to paint the optics on the sniper rifles/SAWs and give the visors a more noticable reflection. But they work as they are.



  1. Any details on the paint colours and techniques used Mark?

  2. Mark,

    What size and material have you used for the bases? They look really good and i agree with your point of view on moving 15mm's around can get frustrating if you have loads of lead on the table.


  3. Thanks guys. Knocked up a tutorial for you:

