From now until early morning 1st March 2016 (when we switch to the new month) we are having a free worldwide postage on all orders over 10.00GBP in product value! This applies to Alternative Armies, 15mm.co.uk and The Ion Age on all our 6mm, 15mm and 28mm miniatures and game systems in fact everything on our websites you can put in your cart (not downloads). All you need to do is add to the cart and the website will do the rest.
Combined Orders
So if you like Flintloque, High Fantasy, Ganesha Games and other 28mm scale ranges check out Alternative Armies. If you like 15mm scale including HOT Fantasy, TTF Fantasy, HOF Science Fiction, Laserburn, Altuos Renaissance, Pony Wars and ACW, Isarus Dark Age, Medus Medieval along with 6mm sci-fi and a lot more go to 15mm.co.uk.
Our three websites are having a free postage event. If you place an order for more then ten pounds (10.00GBP) the shopping cart will automatically give you free shipping worldwide. As many orders as you like across one, two or all three of our websites at www.alternative-armies.com, www.15mm.co.uk and www.theionage.com. While the vast majority of customers are happy to place orders in this way we know that some of you would like to place a combined order by email and receive a paypal invoice to pay. This is totally fine with us and here is what to do for a combined order by email. Firstly choose your point of contact. Is it Alternative Armies, 15mm.co.uk or The Ion Age? Choose one and email us onsales@alternative-armies.com, sales@15mm.co.uk or info@theionage.com.
Make your email title 'combined order' and give us your name, your shipping address, your paypal email address and a list of codes and quantities that you want to order from across our ranges. We will then reply with a total and a paypal invoice. You will get a free monthly miniature if you have Ion Age codes and you will get any other items offered free if applicable from the other websites if you have codes from its ranges in your order. We typically reply quickly but be assured you WILL NOT miss the free postage on your combined order as we will honour it as long as your email comes in before the offer ends. Speak to you soon. Thanks.
Gavin Syme (GBS).
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