Saturday, 28 March 2015

Ikwen Rock Village WIP - Part One

Here is a bit of video describing a technique I am using for a very inexpensive terrain project.


  1. Cool project! I'll be following this with interest. I've been thinking of doing something similar for a big bugg hive so I'll be mining for ideas ;-)

    1. It would definitely work for that sort of project.

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  5. That is a cool looking project and should make for a nice looking terrain piece, i am planing something very similar for my SPUG colony which i think of as being more like space termites and live in a huge termite mound with tall spires, the main mound i already have which is a hard plastic rocky outcrop from the old Impact board game and to that i will be adding to that a few GW 40k Tyranid egg chamber cooling vent ports as entrances and then mounting it to a circular type base, well thats my plan anyway.....

  6. Ooh, the mysterious Eli's voice, heard at last ;) This looks like a fun gaming piece, I really want to see how their little cliff home will look when you're done. Thanks for your tech tips, and thanks for talking us through a building method that isn't going to tax anyone's wallet or require access to exotic art materials :D

    1. Not so mysterious. I occasionally crop in videos.

      I tend to avoid pricey stuff mainly because it is usually priced out of reach.

  7. Yes, that it is... No wonder artists are starving.
