Sunday 1 February 2009

Kitbash of the Week No.1

A quick trip up to the village Post Office on Saturday rewarded me with a small package from GZG containing 3 V15-43A High-tech Grav Light Tanks and 2 V15-42A Bulldog 4-wheel HMTV closed-back Troop Carriers.

I love these Light Grav Tanks and am currently building a High-tech Light Grav Mech Company around V15-43A, V15-43B and V15-44A to provide opposition to my existing Old Crow Grav Mech armour.

I feel I still need some hover armour to ring the changes and duplicate Maff's core hover force for FWC, without necessarily having to buy the same models. GZG's V15-15A Medium Hover Tank is a very nice model which to me epitomises the Hammers more than Old Crow's equally nice resin Blower tanks. Besides I have other uses in mind for those Blower tanks!

But I also want something UNIQUE for my Hykranian forces.

V15-15A is not as high-tech as I'd like for my hover force but playing with the various models still waiting to be painted I came up with not one but TWO quick and simple 'kitbashes'.

Kitbash No.1 V15-43A turned High-tech Hover

First, A generic High-tech Medium Hover Tank. This is an easy kitbash as it involves taking the hover skirt from V15-15A and matching the superstructre and turret from V15-43A. The hull of the High-tech Grav tank needs careful placement not to overhang, but I like the fact that it appears to protect the hover skirt. Easy but incrediby effective.

Jon has previously asked on The Miniatures Page (TMP) if there would be any interest in GZG selling spare parts. The modular format of GZG's 15mm Sci Fi AFV's are perfect for simple kitbashing and I hope convinces both Jon and you that this could be a great idea for expanding the number and type of AFV's gamers can deploy at little extra cost.

Let me know what you think. Also, if you have any kitbashes of your own you want to share, let me know.


1 comment:

  1. Hey Mark,

    Feel free to cross-post anhy of mine you find appealing. It seems fitting as your blog is devoted to the hobby of 15mm sc-fi gaming.
