Tuesday 17 February 2009

New GZG AFV's - More Pics!

Hi Guys

Following a day of rest after Hammerhead on Sunday, Jon has been kind enough to send me some more pics of his new AFV's.....!!!

V15-52A 8-wheel Fire Support Vehicle/Mobile Gun System
(Tank Killer) £7.50 each

V15-51A 8-wheel MICV with light weapon turret
(with gatling and missile pod) £7.00 each

V15-50A 8-wheel APC with remote autocannon mount
£6.50 each

V15-55A Advanced Heavy Grav Tank
with High Energy Particle Cannon (HEPC)
£9.00 each

V15-57A Advanced Grav Fire Support Missile Vehicle
£8.00 each

V15-56A Advanced Grav Lift Infantry Assault Vehicle
£8.00 each

Should be on the GZG Web store and ready to order, today or tomorrow.



  1. These look so good. He just keeps doing wonderful stuff.

    Painful to my bank account, but wonderful stuff. :-)

  2. I want to find a pair of legs to mount that light weapon turret onto to make a combat robot like the MaK/SF3D "Krote".

  3. Out of curiosity, would those work for 20mm figures?

  4. Hi Brian

    GZG AFV's are mostly 1/100th scale or close to and will not match with 20mm. The new AFV's are quite large but the tuuret hatches give away their smaller scale. If you can live with that and the miniatures are true 20mm, not 22mm+, you could JUST get away with it.

