Monday 31 August 2009

Kitbash of the Week No.5 - Slammers Combat Car

The 'Inspiration Bus' made an unscheduled but very welcome stop this evening following the '15mm Slammers Combat Car Suggestions' thread on TMP.

A lot of GZG's Sci Fi AFVs are modular. V15-43A High-tech Grav Light Tank being no exception. It has a separate hull and turret section, which if simply left off, gives you the basic outline of a Slammers style Combat Car.

Here you see the basic hull of the High-tech Light Grav AFV with a gunner similar to that in the all new SG15-A17 NAC Pintle Gunners pack (pictured below).

If you mount the weapons directly into the hull and offset placement on either side of the vehicle you can easily squeeze three gunners into your new homebrew Combat Car.

Personally, I'd go for one cannon up front and two of the 'grenade launchers', one on either side, which could easily double as plasma weapons. Nothing to stop you using rotary cannons or plasma weapons taken from GZG's MAWPs if you prefer.

Next, let's add a bit more detail - the flat edges of your Combat Car troop compartment look plain don't they! No problem - just cut some small shapes from plasti-card and glue on, and /or cover in personal kit, blanket rolls, camo nets etc.

What's more, I deliberately chose the Light Tank as it's the same price as the APC and Command versions, but in this instance you have a tank turret left over to use for other kitbashes or turn into a defence turret!

Of course you can go to town detailing your creation, but the beauty of these kitbashes is simplicity!

Hope you feel inspired by this.


Incoming Transmission..... GZG 15mm NAC Heavy Weapon Teams

New from GZG this week, NAC heavy weapon teams & NAC Gunners:

GZG SG15-A15 NAC Heavy Laser teams
(2 each of laser, powerpack, gunner, observer) £2.50

GZG SG15-A16 NAC Auto Grenade Launcher teams
(2 each of AGL, gunner, prone no.2) £2.50

New NAC standing gunners and pintle-mount weapons - can be used in the back of vehicles or as static mounts (eg: on fort walls or behind defences); The figures may also be cut down and used in turrets or vehicle hatches:

GZG SG15-A17 NAC standing gunners
(4 guns/gunners, 2 with autocannon/MG
and 2 with grenade launcher) £2.50

Just the right stuff for manning the perimeter at Whiskey Outpost and holding off hordes of bugs!


Incoming Transmission..... GZG 15mm Tracked GunBots

You are going to love this little model.! Also available this week from GZG are Tracked GunBots. These fit the bill perfectly for modern day or near future robotics and have a certain 'Terminator' T100 charm to them.

V15-68A GunBots (tracked) - front (pack of 2) £2.50

V15-68A GunBots (tracked) - rear (pack of 2) £2.50

The GunBots will provide perfect support for's Automatons or become the 'soldiers' of a low tech mechanoid army in their own right. Need to storm a spaceship or space station? Send your GunBots out ahead. Lot's of great options with these models. Nice one Jon!

Available from:




Incoming Transmission..... GZG 15mm Wheeled Mini-Drones

The new GZG Wheeled Mini-Drones previewed on Saturday (click here) will probably be on the webstore this week.

GZG 15mm Mini-Drones

I like what Jon has done to display them! I'm tempted to mount them like this myself. I'm now planning to collect a dedicated force of these to use in conjunction with UAV's, aerial drones and MAWPs. Perhaps occasionally a (very) small human force can accompany them on the tabletop for recce, patrolling, escort and screening mission games.

V15-69A Wheeled drone with autocannon
(pack of 3) £2.50

V15-69B Wheeled drone with missiles
(pack of 3) £2.50

V15-69A Wheeled drone with recon/sensors
(pack of 3) £2.50

15mm Sci Fi just gets better and better. Thanks for the intel Jon!


Sunday 30 August 2009


In this instance I think a picture speaks a thousand words..........

GZG's ALL NEW 15mm Sci Fi New Israeli sculpts

More pics & details to follow

I don't NEED 10 packs of guys with an arm moved here, a foot moved there, or captured mid pose out walking the dog. 3 minis will do, just three, like those above. Three minis who look like they are in combat. Three minis when placed together on a base tell a coherent story.



Latest Intel......GZG 15mm Aerial Mini-Drones (prototypes)

Jon has pulled a magnificent blinder as a result of this thread on TMP (click here). Here are two prototype 15mm mini aerial drones from GZG together with a metal 'flight' stand.

GZG 15mm Aerial Mini-Drones
(note: 1cm squares)

The fan/rotor on the GRAW style drone (right) is sculpted underneath as well! These will be very useful in the forthcoming TOMORROWS WAR Ambush Alley Games' Force on Force variant.


Critical Mass Games : GZG Photo Comparisons

Comparison photos of Critical Mass Games new releases with GZG New Israelis and NAC Marines. Click on photos for larger image.

Critical Mass Games 15mm Drop Troopers
GZG original 15mm New Israelis

Note: The New Israelis are the smallest of GZG's 15mm Sci Fi miniatures.

Critical Mass Games 15mm Drop Troopers
Critical Mass Games 15mm Light Recon

Critical Mass Games 15mm Drop Troopers
GZG new sculpt 15mm NAC Marines

Critical Mass Games 15mm Drop Troopers
GZG new sculpt 15mm NAC Marines

Critical Mass Games 15mm Light Recon
GZG new sculpt 15mm NAC Marines

Hope you found this update useful.



Saturday 29 August 2009

Latest Intel........ Rebel Minis New 15mm Sci Fi Infiltrators and Titan Marines

I am really pleased to be able to preview these two new sets of 15mm Sci Fi miniatures from Rebel Minis. My thanks to Mike for providing the intel!

First up 15mm Sci Fi Infiltrators. Six unique Ultra-Tech Nano-Suit infantry, special forces or operators. I believe they will be packaged as 21 assorted miniatures for $10.95.

Rebel Minis 15mm Sci Fi INFILTRATORS

I've been waiting expectantly on these and am not disappointed! I've placed a pre-order with Mike for two packs immediately to use variously as Ultra-Tech Grav Mech Infantry, dismounted Grav armour crew, downed dropship pilots and Spec Ops.

Mike hopes to be receiving stock of the Infiltrators next week. Keep an eye on Rebel Minis website for updates.

I'm also pleased to be able to share this WIP green of Rebel Minis upcoming Titan Marines.

Rebel Minis 15mm Sci Fi TITAN MARINE WIP

There's something retro Sci Fi, WWW2 or even post apocalyptic about this Titan Marine miniature. I'm looking forward to seeing the complete range.

For more details and availability, check out:


Incoming Transmission..... Rebel Minis 15mm Grav Tanks Remastered

I've always liked the look of Rebel Minis origina 15mm Sci Fil Grav Tanks. Mike has emailed me today to let me know that they have been remastered. The Thunder, Thumper and Warlord are now more substantial models and even better, come in at a lower price of $9.95 each.

Rebel Minis 15mm Sci Fi THUNDER Grav Tank

Rebel Minis 15mm Sci Fi THUMPER Grav Tank

Rebel Minis 15mm Sci Fi WARLORD Grav Tank

Available from:


Latest Intel.....GZG Alien Mercs, Part Deux

If there's only one pack of Alien Mercs
you must buy this summer....

GZG Alien Mercs II

GZG 15mm Sci Fi Alien Mercs (II)

SG15-X08, price £5.00 for 12 figures

Following up the success of his first pack of Alien Mercs, and listening to customer feedback, Jon at GZG has commissioned a second set of sculpts to compliment and add variation to the miniatures in the initial release (click here).

GZG 15mm Sci Fi Alien Mercs (II)
Khurasan Corporate Marine for comparison

Pack Contents: (L) X4, (Centre) X2, (R) X6

These are really nice miniatures and even just these 3 minis on their own make a brilliant cameo. The central figure wears goggles and his sidekicks goggles and WW1 fighter ace style 'flying helmets'.

I think they are better than the initial Alien Merc release and will easily find a place on many tabletops in Sci Fi shoot-outs, boarding actions and similar skirmish games. More than ever they've convinced me to paint the Khurasan Corporate Marines as Galactic Cops.

Jon has said that
combined with the original SG15-X05 pack, SG15-X08 will create a platoon-sized unit of 24 figures with a 'Boss' to lead each "squad", a heavy weapon for each squad (in the SG15-X05 pack) and a mix of three poses of basic grunt.


Latest Intel.....GZG Remote Wheeled Mini-Bots

First of several new releases coming from GZG shortly are these Remote Wheeled Mini-Bots. Variants include MG, Rocket and Sensors/Recon.

GZG 15mm Wheeled Mini-Bots
Khurasan;s Corporate Marine for comparison

They are lovely little models. Jon is also in the middle of creating tracked variants too. Despite the fact they are labelled 15mm, there is no reason why they can't be used for 28mm Modern and Sci Fi games as well. If you've played FRONTLINES: Fuels of War on the XBOX360 - you know how useful these little beasties can be!

GZG 15mm Wheeled Micro-Bots
Master Chef's Earth Force Marines for comparison


Incoming Transmission: Heads Up!

Heads Up Marines! We're expecting massive reinforcements over the next two weeks in the shape of new 15mm Sci Fi recruits from GZG, Khurasan Miniatures and Rebel Minis space commands.

First teaser shots of the new guys will appear in stages this weekend. So keep this channel open!

Chief of the Boat......OUT!

Thursday 27 August 2009

Critical Mass Games - ARC Fleet Standard Rifle Infantry

Tonight I'm proud to preview Critical Mass Games' Arc Fleet Standard Rifle Infantry.

Critical Mass Games, 15mm Sci Fi Standard Rifle Infantry

15mm Sci Fi AFSR1

15mm Sci Fi AFSR2

15mm Sci Fi AFSR3

15mm Sci Fi AFSR4

15mm Sci Fi AFSR5

15mm Sci Fi AFSR6

15mm Sci Fi AFSR7

15mm Sci Fi AFSR8

AFSR 1-8 available on 21st september, 2009.
£3.20 per pack for 8 figures.


Monday 24 August 2009

'O' GROUP.......Light Recon Orbats for FWC


Took some time out yesterday to organise my first batch of Critical Mass Light Recon figures for Future War Commander.

(Arid/Desert scheme)

This force will be a High tech company. I've decided that these troops have AI integral to their unit structure, so each base will have two Light Recon figures and a human-sized armed AI walker.

I tried out several different AI walker miniatures with the Light Recon figures, including GMM-42 Medium Mecha Units from GZG’s 2mm range. When combined with infantry on the same base the walkers really do make a bold "Sci Fi" statement!

Because of the additional firepower inherent within each platoon, I'm aiming at 4 bases per platoon and 2 platoons to the company. I don't think it would be unreasonable to have 2 smaller but powerful companies rather than a single 4 platoon monster.

(Mountain/Snow scheme)

Organised in a similar fashion to the above, but with only one base of AI walkers per platoon. They will be supported by GZG Palladin Tanks.

(French Camo scheme)

This time, a generic 'light' company with 3 figures to a base, 3 bases to a platoon and 3 platoons to the company. They will be supported by a heavy platoon of 3 GZG Wheeled MAWPs and 3 GZG UAVs.

The Light Recon miniatures within each platoon will be based as follows: ‘Scout’ base (including sniper), ‘Support’ base (including rocket launcher) and ‘Assault’ base (figs in assault poses).

Finally but not least....
Fleet Recon

A recon platoon of 2 Old Crow Grav Outrider Scout Cars (with GZG missile pod upgrades), 2 'ultra' recon bases of converted Light Recon figures and 4 GZG UAVs.
