Saturday 2 January 2010

Are You My Mummy? - GZG Headswops

Started playing around with GZG's latest 15mm Sci Fi separate heads in tonight and having fun!

I had a couple of figures left over in a duplicate pack of SG15-X04A Free Trader Crew and thought that I'd begin by trying out the heads on the 'Captain' wearing a dustcoat.

First up, "Are you my mummy?" Took about 5 minutes to carefully remove the existing head leaving as little damage to the figure and head as possible. I managed this by carefully carving round the head using a downward cut, before snapping the head off with my fingers.

Not bad, though I think the head with a Mohican and smaller mouth/nose mask would create a more interesting character without any further work. But, continuing with this full face 'gasmask' head - turn that pistol into a Glock or machine-pistol, place a machete or shotgun in his left hand, obligatory post-apocalypse keffiyeh/shemagh cowl round his neck - you have a bona fide post Nuclear/Pandemic/Zombie/Alien holocaust survivor.

Of course you might just want a 'Bad Ass' character, heavy or crime boss. This bald head with visor shades and cigar oozes Samuel L Jackson attitude!

The separate heads with visor/goggles alone will provide five good potential conversions in the G15-X04B Free Trader Crew and Passengers pack before I even get to the Ravagers, Armed Civilians/Colonists and various military types.



  1. Very nice work. I likey these heads alotty. These aren't on sale yet are they? i had a snoop around for them on the GZG website but no luck.

  2. Not available just yet Lee, but that nice Mr Tuffley might tell us when.

