Tuesday 19 January 2010

Top Cat: Sgt Major Moghi - My Way

Following the epic battle for Mt Hilinabox, how could I not reward the bravery of Clan Sgt Major G'ngr Moghi - no, not an extra pouch of 'Torsk!' in his ratpack but his own dedicated miniature!

The figure is a Khurasan Miniatures Felid commander from pack TTC-1300. Luuvely models. Not quite finished but I thought you'd appreciate the pic! I really had fun painting this mini and now looking forward to cracking on with the remaining Felids that arrived this week as Russian Blues (grey).

GW Calthan Brown basecoat which is much more chocolate than it appears in the photo. Wash with Devlan Mud. Add Commando Khaki to the brown and highlight with a size '0' brush. You might want to drybrush with Calthan Brown before the highlight. Alternatively, black undercoat, liberally drybrush Calthan then wash & highlight Calthan/Commando Khaki.

The ahem 'Tiger stripes' are applied with a quick slash of an size '0' brush. I decided to go for effect and one or two slashes in each colour worked really well IMO. Judge for yourself in the picture to the right, where the miniature is actual size (approx 100 pixels tall).



  1. Awesome paint job. He really pops and the uniform plus his natural striping equals good camo.

  2. Tiger stripes, very apropos!

    Good looking fig, these kitties may just be the aliens I'm looking for...

  3. Indeed... a very nice character figure...

  4. I like the painting on these. Militaristic yet alien at the same time.
    It will look much better once the basing has been finished.

  5. Very nice job. I really like this one.

  6. Thanks all for the encouragement. mmm, maybe I'll paint more like this?

    Sgt Major Moghi is being handed over to Master Chef in a official (drunken) ceremony. G'ngr Moghi is his cat b.t/w. Heather wanted you all to know that because she didn't want anyone to think we were 'crazy' cat people with hordes of the beasts! (just feels like it!) LOL!

