Sunday 24 January 2010

Harkonnen's Finest

This weekend I've managed to paint an 18 figure platoon of 'Harkonnen Sand Troopers'.

These guys are left over GZG SG15-F1 FSE Colonial Legionnaires abandoned and looking for a purpose. And this weekend that purpose became testing a 'quick & dirty' desert cammies painting technique. It wasn't in my plan to paint them fully, but having painted and based them, I now sneakingly quite like the minis and want to put them into action on the tabletop.

I've based the Sand Troopers individually to play Ambush Alley, Tom.War and some 1-2-1 character skirmish games, all loosely based in and around Mudd Eisley. I visualise them very much in the "These are not the droids we are looking for" kind of role.

There's no dedicated leader figure which means one of the grunts in each squad gets a promotion and a big orange stripe. Platoon command is relegated to an Old Crow Outrider Scout Vehicle pulled from another project. Nothing wrong with 'Gorman' style command in the Twenty-ummph Century, but it does make it difficult to love 'em.

I'm bulking out the platoon with FSE Legionnaires in Kepis donated by the Master Chef. I'm not enamoured with these figures but the Kepi heads are easy to snip off and replace. This will add much needed variety and character to the platoon for 1-2-1 character skirmish games. Hope to have these headswops finished and fully painted/based in a day or so.

Finally, I've made a decision to further enhance both the character and firepower of the platoon with Critical Mass Games Merc3 Drone Walkers supporting each squad.



  1. So if you've painted them time to put up some `eye candy' photos.

  2. See posts 31st Jan and 1st Feb 2010 Phil!

