Wednesday 30 March 2011

Life, Work, the Universe...... Hanging On. Just

My carefully planned, honed and nurtured project streams are coming together like motorcycle racers on the last bend, but the end of year financial scramble is threatening to unseat everything.

Never mind. One of my suppliers has offered to set me up to go freelance and make use of products from their cloud architecture. A great opportunity, but you know, I want to bring in the big bacon with these projects before I cut myself loose. . I want to see my projects through  and ensure the delivery of the year on year benefits that they will generate.

Yeah of course it will be great for the CV going forward, but I sincerely want to walk away proud of a job well done. In all truth, it's not the delivery but the barriers, and those have been mostly human that I've had to overcome which I'll be most proud of.

I picked up a classic game from my school days on Ebay at the end of last week - SPELLMAKER. I bought the original at Games Workshop, Dalling Road not long after it opened. I remember it was a frosty saturday morning. I had taken an E3 into Chiswick and walked the mile or so to Hammersmith. Spellmaker repayed every step of that joruney there and back.

Heather played it with me a couple of times on saturday night. It wasn't just a great laugh but also provided some inspiration. Kick starting several new pathways in my old head. My thanks to Bob Cordery for setting me off on the search for this classic.


1 comment:

  1. Well, that's odd; just after GW opened there, my Dad took us to London one saturday and I went to the Dalling Road shop. Got there mid morning IIRC. Perhaps we were in the very same shop way back then.

    I also used to walk to the local gameshop to save the fare to spend. Actually I bussed it there and walked back - getting there was easier by bus as the walk back was a bit downhill.
