Sunday 13 March 2011

Logging Out of Logging In

With no commuting costs this coming week, I plan to turn the spare cash into more 15mm Sci Fi figures. So a few minutes ago I'm banging through this webstore, 3,5,8,2, 10 add to cart, next page, 3,7,5 add to cart and then it asks me to 'Log-in'. No! Life is complicated enough, there are plenty of other web stores where I can click and go straight to Paypal.

I'm juggling 3 gaming projects at the moment - 15mm Sci Fi, which in all honesty has become more of a lifestyle, 20mm Modern/Futuristic Neo-Soviet Russians, and a 20mm British Civil War set in 1979. There's only so much cash to go round, and if you've noticed me spending a little less in your products recently, it's because Shaun at S&S Models knows what areas I'm currently gaming and sends me an email saying "Mark, I have X back from the caster, you can see it on Flickr here (link), are you interested?"

I really appreciate this proactive approach and depending upon how bad a day I'm having may just fire back an immediate email saying "Yup! Send me two." On occasion, Shaun will say," I'm making 'Z' and it will be ready at the end of the month" I say, "just send me a Paypal invoice when you've got them for sale". No mucking about with webstores, logging in, out, doing the hokey cokey. 2 weeks later or whatever, there's an invoice, which I pay immediately and normally have the goods within a few days. That gentlemen IS customer service.



  1. Sounds like what I plan to do...
    The other issue for me with stores is when they have no picture.
    Do store owners really think we are going to buy anything if they can not even show us a picture?

  2. Agreed, I won't *ever* buy any minis I can't see a picture of first.

  3. Right Spacey...and the same goes for tiny pictures.
    If they are trying to hide the damn thing with a thumbnail sale.

  4. Very true. I need to see a picture of what I'm buying or I am not buying it. Even then, I want clear pictures and appreciate something for scale if there is an element of the unknown about the size of the miniature. I know in the past I've been on the fence about buying something if I feel the scale of the miniature might not be quite right .. if I can't tell from the picture I'm likely not going to risk it.

    The other problem with some webstores is making the shipping cost hard to determine. It is annoying if the only way to find the shipping cost is to go through the process of ordering- and then at that point if they want you to 'log in' or supply all your information just to see that hidden shipping charge I get very annoyed.

  5. Ah i remember disposable income !!!!!

    I'm looking forward to seeing the newly revamped GZG site.
    I've heard a rumour of some support for the Alien Mercs when they get time to release them.

  6. Great points lads, things I hope to implement with the ArtCrime.....
    Large fullcolour photos,hired a photographer to take them even,well laid-out ordering,and a complete listing of shipping on the "info" page.
    Thanks for the advice guys.
