Its winter. Its 79
The heat is on the street - the winter of discontent gets angry.
Borchester gets it on.
Stop and search becomes shoot on sight as Ambridge goes up in smoke
Its gonna be a long hot summer from now on........
"15mm pigs, rioters, brothers and sisters out on the street and the BAOR brought home to restore order. Very British Civil War meets urban apocalypse", all using Ganesha Games' Flying Lead.
Teenage guerillas on the tarmac
Fighting in the middle of the road
Supercharged FS1Es on the asphalt
The kids are coming in from the cold
Mmmm? Eton Rifles vs GMB (Borchester branch) Flying Column.....I could be tempted.
I know so little about this time period - looking forward to your regular updates Mark.
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't count on 'regular' Piotr! LOL!
Oh dear please resist. It doesn't sound good
Don't resist.
ReplyDeleteIts great dive on in.
Check out irregular minis riot packs
I think our Infected miniature packs should work as rioters / scared civilians.
ReplyDeleteI was already thinking that way Piotr. I quite like QRF's Rioters - especially the guy in motorcycle helmet.
What do you guys say about a pack of handicapped civilians ? Say a mother with baby child, an old man with a cane, a woman with crutches and say an invalid in a wheelchair ?
ReplyDeleteThought of doing it in 20mm??
ReplyDeleteSeems to be more available
Well, my view is that if you buy into a 1930s VBCW, then a 1970s one is viable too. Its equally alternative history.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, a platoon of beret wearing Brits is being painted even now. They used to be FoW WW2 7th Amd Riflemen but a bit of filing and greenstuff has made the .303s into the iconic 7.62 FN. Those boots and anklets if painted black and muddied up look like 1970s army boots. The PIAT is now a GMPG and a section of .303 armed police marksmen isnt far behind. A QRF Saracen is on the way.
I really hated the Archers as a kid; this is going to be cathartic.
re 20mm - i already have some 15mm Cold War stuff from Pigs AK47 range - otherwise, goodpoint. The Hotspur stuff is still tempting esp the Grenada / Falklands figures
Sounds interesting Masterchef we should compare notes. I started collecting stuff for this a few years ago ( 20mm though ) but somehow got sidetracked. Seeing this has got me going again.
ReplyDeleteWell, Anon, it kicked off - as a reaction to a talk with Mark about VBCW and some queries Eli had about it. I'd been listening to TRB and the whole thing gelled in my mind. The Sten Guns reference is an obvious nod to The Clash and Borchester is simply The Archers grrrrrr.
ReplyDeleteAs I recall it, the 1970s were a time of distinct unrest in Britain on all fronts and of course the Cold War was very much alive. I remember my older male relatives, many of whom had served in WW2, muttering that "the Russians would have sent the tanks in by now". Quite what they were talking about defeated me at the time. It could have been Belfast, Notting Hill or any football hooligan outbreak.
So, I have the idea that some kind of Hard Left nutters decide to get into violence - this is the Riot Game; equally some Very Hard Leftists receive covert support from the KGB or similar and use the riots to have a go at "the violence inherent in the system" - that is your SAS / Special Branch type game. This upgrades in two ways - the Faction game in which armed trade unionists (Borset has a little known but declining and strike prone coalfield) take on the police, army etc. The other route and the one I am edging towards (the Faction game is really just SCW /VBCW with a 70s soundtrack) is that a Warpact Force drops from the skies over Borset and all heck breaks loose. OK how do they get there? Why doesnt the RAF shoot them down? My answers are vague and dont get much beyond "very big planes" and "because the RAF radar crews are covering for striking air traffic controllers and are shagged out".
So, Plan A is to get some games in and as soon as Geoff at QRF delivers my Saracen and BMD1 it will all kick off. 15mm figs, with Pig AK47 guys in beret & AK being Bulgarian Spetznatz and Hardened militia w AK being the GDR Paras. Go with what got I say! Then onto a bit of 20mm if i do the rest.
It does look as if I'll go more Cold War than Urban War.
Guys I tried to post a comment the other night but I am at work just now and the net is dropping in and out.
ReplyDeleteI will post some pics in the PA forum when I get home.
I have a stronghold Saracen if you want it?
mcewanmikeAThotmail.com if you want to compare notes etc