Monday 12 April 2010

Mudd Eisley Patrol - Wasteland Dried Riverbed

Sunday morning I finished the dried wasteland/desert riverbed I've been working on during the week and I'm really chuffed with the result!

Infiltrating Mudd Eisley from the Dunes
An Atreides patrol in captured Harkonnen uniforms

The riverbed was created utilising Amera Plastic Moulding Straight River Sections (#F216) , building up the textures with different grades of sand and talus. Foilage is Woodland Scenics #L166 'Natural' Lichen.

In all about an hour's work per river section from start to finish, but allowing loads of drying time in between each step before a final watered down coat of PVA prior to painting. Which is why it took several nights in total.

The river sections have been painted to match my OOP GW sulphur desert battlemat using Homebase 'Pecan' emulsion as a base followed by 'splodging' GW Gryphone Sepia with an old No.6 brush.

Jungle stream using these Amera river sections next!



  1. Looks good. What rules do you use? Do you ever post battle reports with photos?

  2. Are these vacuum-formed plastic? How flimsy are they? Do they sit flat on the table?

  3. Hi

    Mike: Rules? Varied. Tom War (playtesting), our own Crossfire meets Traveller Sci Fi variant - Future War Commander though less now, FAD4....

    Thanks Omer!

    Duckie: Yes, they are vac-formed plastic, not flimsy and mostly sit flat on the table - the angle of the camera and shadow created by camera flash make any gap more noticable in the top photo than during play.

