Wednesday 13 April 2011

INCOMING: GZG, GZG, GZG...........

GZG not being around has been like the gap left by losing an old friend from your life. But now I'm glad to report that Jon and team will be re-entering the atmosphere again at SALUTE.

here is a news bulletin from the T-man himself:

We WILL be at SALUTE! We're on stand TJ15, our usual spot on the central aisle not far from the Bring and Buy area. When you come in the main entrance, go straight ahead to the Warlords info stand in the middle of the hall, then turn RIGHT.

After all the changes and upheavals we've gone through in the last few months, preparations for this year's show have been terribly rushed and last-minute; at this point I am still casting frantically  to get enough stock done, and I'm prioritising the lines that I know are the most popular.  IF there is time next week I will get onto the other stuff, but I can't guarantee it - so my apologies in advance if we don't have every single thing in our range.

Important stuff to note for SALUTE this year:

1) SORRY, BUT NO CARDS! We will NOT be able to process credit/debit card payments at the show; we have been able to take cards in previous years, but due to being in the middle of the changeover to online processing for our new webstore, we won't be able to take them at the show this year. So it is CASH ONLY this time I'm afraid - the good thing is that it will speed up the serving of customers, because processing cards at the show takes ages and slows everything down!

While on the subject of serving customers, please remember that GZG is a one-man business (me!) and therefore the helpers I will have on the stand are friends who have volunteered for that day only, they will do their best under pressure but please be patient and polite.  :-)

2) As the new store isn't going to be online until AFTER Salute, we have no facility to take pre-orders this year; I do hope to have reasonable stocks of most of our regular items, but everything is strictly on a first-come, first-served basis, and once stocks are gone then they're gone! This will especially apply to any NEW items I can get done in time (see below), which may be in limited supply - so please make us one of your first stops once you get in to the hall.

3) All our PRICES at SALUTE are being held at our old pre-increase levels, as promised earlier - most prices have got to go up when the new site goes live, so don't miss this chance to get stuff at the old prices!

4) NEW STUFF: well, I still hope there will be some - but I can't tell you what, as they are still waiting to be cast! I'm hoping that in the last few days before the show, once as much of the regular stock as possible has been replenished, I can get at least a couple of moulds' worth of new items made and some stock spun out of them. It'll be right down to the wire, some of it may still be hot from the casting machine when it gets packed in the van.....

What I can tell you is that anything I manage to get done will be in the 15mm range - sorry to all the FT fans, I do promise to get back to you before too much longer! Exactly what gets made is in the lap of the Gods, and there certainly won't be any time to preview or announce it here or anywhere else, so you'll just have to come along and see what we have on the day.

Best regards, and thanks again to everyone for your patience - I sincerely hope that everything will be back to normal soon!


  1. I am just happy they will start takeing orders agine soon :D

  2. Well John has indicated support weapons for their Alien mercs, whether they'll be first to be moulded or more popular lines take priority who knows.
    I shall sit here and watch rocks grow in the mean time..or paint my new Blood Bowl team.

  3. I'm suffering some serious GZG withdrawals! I want to order some grav vehicles for my NAC force, but I guess I do have a small mountain of GZG miniatures I could paint in the meantime...

  4. I finished putting together some very nice GZG models on Saturday, will soon post them on my blog..
    It was my first order to them (I made it on january but unfortunately I always suffer some lack of spare time!!)... Very good quality and nice minis I have to say!

  5. Hi all -- very new to this post but wanted to now if there was good set of pictures of the GZG line of 15mm infantry. I've been to the website but there seems to be a lot of pictures missing and the FAQ and PDF downoad don't capture the missing pictures. Any thoughts/advice to this newbie? Thanks much!!
