Sunday 17 April 2011

Sci Fi / Cyber House Inspiration

Looking at more Sci Fi buildings suitable for the tabletop. OK, so GZG and Critical Mass Games have provided us with a superb range of prefabs but something is still missing.

First, nothing says MOON BASE does it - you know, interlinking connection tunnels, domes, that sort of thing. But maybe the ultimate test of mankind, living and fighting in a ZERO-G  or airless barren rock environment is NOT where you want to take your Sci Fi battles - after all I see a lot of green out there in blogland. 

Second, what happens after first dirtfall? How do you expand your prefab palace? Go up maybe?

I found this superb 3-D render by Roomper. You can imagine 2nd generation colonists breaking out from their portakabin environment - building outwards, with more levels and a city as we know it begins to emerge.

Maybe this is the home of the Mayor of Dirtville, son of a 3rd generation Colonist family. Or maybe it's part of the slums of a shiny city of tall iridescent spires. It has a very Blade Runner feel - don't you think? Wouldn't it be great to have a small district like this to game in - Blade Runner Ambush Alley style - rather than mono-level portakabins or ersatz Middle Eastern adobes?



  1. Larger awnings would add to the Bladerunner feel and make the streets and alleys feel more claustrophobic.

  2. yes, plus wires strung across the street to the next house, maybe pipes as well (allowing charactres to cross above street level), cyber advertising hoardings on the roof...... you can have bar, noodle shop etc...


  3. That is very inspirational!

    In terms of a moonbase with interconnected tunnels and airlocks, have you considered the old Scotia Grendel Kryomek domes? I've been thinking about using them on a future Mars table.


  4. I agree, I want the prefabes for early stelments and slums. But things will not always be that way on the fronter. Especial not at the major space ports/hubs/corprate HQs.
    Need room to expand.
