Wednesday 27 April 2011

The Name's..... Bond

Today I'm mostly working on Bond in 15mm after a small disaster with some terrain I was making yesterday. I just need a diversion before I turn my hand to an elevated section of shattered post-apocalypse highway this evening.

Maff (Master Chef) may be right about leaving the figures from THE SCENE as is. May be. I just feel a bareheaded Bond figure makes a strong contrast to the 'heavies' in dark glasses. But whilst the movie interpretation of Bond doesn't wear dark glasses, there is a big hint in both Craig films that “Bond” is a cover name, that “Bonds” don’t last long and get replaced. So your or my interpretation of Bond may wear Retrosuperfuture or Dior Homme.

The Craig Bond while suave is probably SAS or similar. 'M' talks about “testosterone fuelled special forces mentality”. So theres no harm in going mad and dropping bond in Chechnya, Korea, Sierra Leone or Helmand even. It takes Bond out of the Casino and very definitely into the alley.

Bond may be a fun concept, but I have a sneaking affinity for the more grounded and down at heel British anti-hero agent epitomised by Harry Palmer ("I know everything about you, Colonel Stok... from the size of your refrigerator to the cubic capacity of your mistress") and Charlie Muffin, not so much "3rd man on the balcony" as "3rd man at the buffet." Those dark glasses on The Scene's figures could easily be painted as Michael Caine's trademark thick rimmed 'clear' lenses.

Still with us? All this blurb is my way of putting off painting. Well our good mate Joe Collins has come up with his own house rules for playing Bond using Force on Force. Joe's given us permission to publish and as they are not only good but also typed up, which has a quality all of it's own, whereas the dubious ramblings by Maff and myself are still scribblings in my notebook, I'll post them on Dropship this Friday.



  1. Looking forward to seeing these - I'll have to give them a go at some stage.
    Is there a working title yet?

  2. Hi Donogh

    I wanted "For Your Dice Only" but Crooked Dice use that and similar for a Bond'ish inspired game of their own.

    As a working title "Ambush Royale" has a certain ring to it....


  3. Looking forward to seeing these.

    Anything that brings Harry Palmer, Charlie Muffin or dare I say it Quiller to the gaming table has to be a good thing...

    Listening to the audio book of Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy at the moment so maybe a short round nondescript figure to play George Smiley might be useful as well.

  4. Bearing Your recent interest in 20 mm modern, it may interest You that Pole Bitwy is working on several 20 mm figures, including not-James Bond in classic posture (no photos for now). There should be also not-Indiana Jones and not-Predator.

  5. I also always thought of "James Bond" as the cover name associated with 007 -- when one dies, the next one takes up the name and number.
